13 May 2016

How to successfully pass through the 5 levels of an entrepreneur


Marketing people often we “fill the mouth” talking about buying cycles of potential customers. It is nothing that phases or stages that follow a user from that generates a new need until it comes to action curious thing about all this is that it can happen one day suddenly, raise your eyes and think. “I need something else in my life.”

That “something” may be a new company, a new project, a new idea that pushes you to:

– Start informs you about a particular topic.

– Make drawings on paper and ask your trusted people if it makes sense.

– Want to force a new lifestyle, risky, exciting and unfit for heart.

How to successfully pass through the 5 levels of an entrepreneurThe 5 levels of an entrepreneur

In this circuit full of obstacles you’ll encounter the following steps:

  1. “I want to be an entrepreneur”: here we stand at a preliminary stage where you start to decide you want a change in your life and certainly you had any business idea floating through your head constantly. For this stage I recommend:

– Be ambitious, if you’re going to change your whole life for something that is worthwhile.

– Tell your idea to 4-5 people from different profiles for the feed-back.

– Checks whether your project fits with your skills and passions.

  1. “I aspire to be an entrepreneur”: you are 100% determined to get you life as an entrepreneur and now plays dress up the idea and start to turn it into a credible business. You need to build a business model and value proposition capable of generating revenue. Several tips:

– Let a little advice: even in such early stage, do you need someone to come very sensitively business ye will remove the colors to your “baby”.

– Make sure you put all your effort into finding your MVP, minimum viable product; you need not develop the entire company to validate the business model.

– Get performance metrics to know if you’re in good.

  1. “Entrepreneur of success” at this point, you know that your customers are willing to pay for your product or service, the numbers go up and have confirmed that your business is sustainable over time. Highly recommended to watch out for:

– Put the focus on money: it is important to have tightly controlled the flow which is there in the company not to have imbalances in the near future.

– Know your customers 100%. If you know them well you will continue to provide sustained value.

  1. “Serial entrepreneur”: here and can say that “you to another level,” you are not only able to run a business from 0 but are able to replicate that success in another sector and in another context. If you can advise something:

– Know how to delegate diligently: at this point you are in the hands of your team and your work of “management” is key to maintaining a competitive and healthy environment in your business.

– Direct the key elements: key partnerships, financing … I .just are some strategic issues that require your time.

  1. “Business guru” reserved for the few league as Steve Jobs, Richard Branson…:

– Entrepreneurs with a special gift to evangelize with their innovative ideas.

– Undeniable to generate admiration and enemies equally Skills. Unfortunately, life is full of envious…

These are the 5 levels that should inspire any entrepreneur with wood leader and wanting to change the world

What skills do you consider to be taken to reach the 5th level?