14 June 2016

The most valuable tips Matt Mullenweg: WordPress founder


Currently, to Matt Mullenweg he can attribute that has completely revolutionized the web world and especially blogging. It will be difficult now that if you have to open a blog, I recommend another platform than WordPress. If we briefly review the main advantages we find the following:

  • Completely free software: you can design from 0 to do so with the help of a template.
  • Have many pluggins available to complement the web / blog as you like (social networking, security, SEO, email marketing, form contact …).
  • Very friendly for Google. It is very simple and clean code webs well positioned naturally.
  • Very decent technical support for any issues.

The most valuable tips Matt Mullenweg WordPress founderBrief history

  • He was born in 1984 in Houston.
  • He did not finish the race of political science.
  • He founded Automattic in 2004, the company behind WordPress.
  • He lives in San Francisco while traveling 200 days a year.
  • Hobbies: music and photography

The most valuable tips Matt Mullenweg

Seeing the empire he created Matt, it will be valuable to review some of most notable teachings:

  • “We must take advantage of the gaps left you competence” Matt decided to found WordPress frustration generated will stay without a project while working in an old blogging platform: B2 / cafelog. The disappearance of the lead developer Matt decided to go with an improved version.
  • “There is always room to grow”: The market share of wordpress is currently about 19%.Matt in interviews recognizes that obsesses him why the rest does not use its platform.
  • “Know well your credo”: Every company should have some principles that sustain everything. All members know and respect him. Here is the credo of Automattic .
  • “Try to know your customers better”: It is the base to give them what they need.
  • “Know your productive time slots” We all have a few hours a day when productivity is at its highest point. Help meet “never miss this daily appointment”.
  • “Focus, focus, focus”: There are so many distractions available is a serious threat to anyone. You need to be very strict with this so as not to miss the hours ineffectively.
  • “Forget the coffee” Many people cannot work without coffee. They say it is the stimulant they need. Matt commented: “There are many exciting things around me to drink coffee every day”.
  • “If you want to build a business for the future, surround yourself with talent”: Finding motivated and talented people is a debate for any manager of a serious business.
  • “The presentiality is overrated” Why do you need all in one room Bantrab? To control them? There are many more ways to control their performance. You have to let always want to organize as they fulfill their mission are in the company.

Do you think presentiality in business is overrated?