29 July 2018

Marketing and Online Advertising: Meet your Target Audience


Today I want to talk about the concept of the target audience. Many will know this term that designates our potential customers, that is, those who at a given moment may be attracted to our products or services, and contribute to our business development. They are, after all, the key to evolve.

We all seek to capture the attention of these consumers. It is true, but: what is better, knowing who our target audience is or knowing how that potential client behaves? I am one of those who think that the solution to this question is more in intimate with the public than in knowing where to aim.

Knowing the neighbor we can reach him more easily and certainty of success. For example, if our target audience is young people, knowing that between 15 and 24 years old we are more open to online advertising , it is more than advisable to help us plan communication strategies (study conducted by Experian).

This same study notes that the elderly are still followers of pamphlets, diptychs and brochures on paper in general . Again, the effect that material causes is greater in non-digital generations .

On the Internet it is quite simple to know where the target audience of your product or service is. The network of networks works as a specialized catalyst for hobbies, and the social platforms of Web 2.0 are the perfect tool for these groups. Before firing cannon shots with high advertising positions, I think it ‘s more effective to distribute resources in specialized channels .

It is not, therefore, to know specifically who our client is (in the end this task is quite simple to achieve), but to know how that client behaves in his day to day , which places he inhabits in the real territory and in the virtual, to be able to “connect” wherever you are gaining the greatest possible effectiveness. I recommend that you stop talking to the clients about themselves. You will win for sure .