What are drain rods and how do you use them?
Drain blockages should be dealt with urgently before an obstruction leads to an overflow of waste and flooding.
Drain rods are the most frequently and easily used pieces of equipment for drain blockages. They are available in kits containing sections which can be screwed together, thereby extending the rod to reach deeper obstructions.
How to use a drain rod
The first step is ensuring that there is enough length on the drain rod to reach the area of blockage. Some rods are available with extension kits.
Direct the rod down into the pipes until you find the obstruction. This should feel moveable and penetrable. Any solid resistance may indicate a bend in the pipe, in which case you will need to manoeuvre the rod around it.
Push backwards and forwards so that the auger end of the tool breaks up the obstruction.
Be sure not to twist the rod in an anti-clockwise direction, as this can unscrew the fittings, leading to the rod itself becoming part of the blockage.
When to call a professional
Blockages further down into the sewage system should always be dealt with by a professional. These can be complex, and the risk of the tools becoming entangled or broken within the pipe is greater, which would lead to further costly damage.
Specialists such as www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-repairs/drain-repairs-solihull have state-of-the-art equipment, as well as CCTV available to them, so they can quickly identify the cause and location of the blockage. Experts like these can give information and advice on repairs, blockages, drain jetting and sewer pipe lining in Solihull.
Before attempting to use any drain rod to clear out a blockage, it is essential that you are aware of how to correctly use them, how flexible they are and that you are using the correct type of rod for the job. If in any doubt, consult a professional.