3 June 2016

How to get customers to start using mobile marketing techniques


I think we have finally reached a point of “no return” in regard to the world of mobile, both businesses and consumers no longer need to read large full data items that reflect the penetration of smartphones and tablets within the active population because it is already incontestable if an unbeliever still lose, you can read the article.

Preliminary considerations your mobile marketing strategy

Before starting to do any action, it is healthy peers you analyze these three + 1 question I threw you here…

1- Ques is what the mobile user mainly done: to guarantee you an overview stick with these data: 91% of users look for information, 72% watch videos for mobile, 43% consult their networks social and approximately 20% buy clothing, travel …

2- What kind of presence you will have in the mobile market: according to your project as you have two options:

– Adapt your website to mobile and tablets, this is called a “responsive” design, the name says it all, it adapts to the type of device from which the web is consulted.

– Design your own “app”: this is valid for two contexts: because your business model online context is vital (e.g. spotify to listen to music from your mobile) or because your business will be 100% “mobile”.

3- Think of the mobile user environment: for any business models where you want to somehow monetize mobile traffic, where is located the potential client when consulting the information is critical to define your marketing strategy.

Mobile marketing techniques to get customers

Finally once we are seen all this we can ask ourselves what actions are best suited to our needs are.The techniques used are as follows:

1- Optimizing keywords for SEO mobile: Think how you can change the importance of some keywords when we think of a mobile user.

2- Mobile SEM: It is an important point is that the traffic that can be generated for mobile and tablets is cheaper than in the computers, i.e., if mobile PPC (pay per click) keywords are more low.

3- Applications and specific tools for mobile marketing:

– Facebook places: If you have a local business this is your tool to geo tags your business on facebook.

– Foursquare: This famous application where users can make a “check in” with your real – time location is worth mentioning that recently have opened the possibility of introducing advertising according to where the user is located.

– Google Places for business: The easiest way for your customers to quickly find your local business on Google.

– Agencies mobile advertising: You can go to some as Qustodian for example you plan a mobile advertising campaign

– Mobile Coupons: There are some companies like Qponian offering to send discount coupons or promotions to users who are near your point of sale.

4- Gamification: A good choice if you have budget to develop a game that can provide free or very low cost so that “users play with your company,” through it will be introducing elements that comes closest to your products or services.

As you can see, there are many options for you to start considering as take action deserves specific mobile marketing.

What actions you propose to a strategy of “mobile marketing”?