14 April 2016

Need inspiration? 5 Effective Ways to be more creative

From my point of view, almost all have to reach minimum capacity for learning. At the end of the day it is to store, process and use a range of data and experience that we have read or have told us. All this is a natural and ordinary act: understand-digest-apply. And that the vast majority are given great but my friend, you will need something […]

7 April 2016

6 Strategies put in practice to get customers safe online

When you start with an online project what can happen is you do not have experience in digital marketing and go giving “flying blind” to find the formula that will be profitable. The most important thing is to find what works for you but have lost valuable time and money. Each project is different and in this article will not delve into the exact and specific techniques […]

6 April 2016

Great UX doesn’t just happen – it’s designed

It’s not exactly a secret that your audience is the most important element to be considered in a digital marketing strategy. How they interact with you and your campaigns is vital to success, and the UX (or user experience) design can make or break you.

5 April 2016

The keys to consider yourself a modern marketer

I think we all agree that marketing in recent years has substantially changed, a good marketing manager is highly demanded in knowledge and is more open to even be considered a modern marketer fronts. There are some global trends that have profoundly affected their daily lives: Disturbing social media universe Variety of electronic devices and mobility thereof: tablets, smartphones…. Big data: There is access to […]

30 March 2016

Brexit: Mixed Finance Sector Opinion

Should we stay, or should we go? This is the vital question on everyone’s lips. But responses to the Brexit question are mixed. There are convincing arguments both for staying in and coming out of the European Union. And even the financial experts can’t agree on the best course of action.

28 March 2016

Content Marketing: How to polish your best strategy

It is obvious that traditional advertising has saturated users, we remain exposed to many daily advertising impacts inevitably but we can try to get away from both promotional “noise”. When we talk about content marketing, there are two simple trends that make gleams with even more force: The user is more comfortable with formulas slightly more subtle marketing. If you need to consume information we […]

27 March 2016

Swinging or persevere: Dealing with the great dilemma in a startup

In the life of an entrepreneur is 100% sure that sooner or later arises a dilemma of these characteristics: I change (swing) my business model to try to get some more encouraging, or just’m on the right track results and persevere in the same direction the objectives will be achieved as ripe fruit? When we put a business idea in the market, our calculations are based on “acts […]

25 March 2016

Traditional stores: The end of an era?

The traditional trade, as we knew it in the past decades, has fallen exponentially, among the main reasons we would find the following: The economic crisis has deepened in some countries; the public has lost much purchasing power  The strongemergence of electronic commerce lowered the flow of traditional store sales There is little support from the authorities, which adds support aimed at superstores in exchange for heavy investment by business groups involved […]

24 March 2016

Defining the strategy shipments of your e-commerce

If anything produce headaches is to identify what should be the appropriate pricing strategy shipment to our online store. The reason is none other than shipping prices is usually one of the main reasons for abandoning shopping carts and, therefore, reduce the rate of conversion of our e-commerce. The average percentage of abandoned shopping carts is 65%. The main reason for abandoning the cart is at the high price of […]