17 September 2017

How silicones are used in transport


Did you know that when you use products made with silicone, you’re generating nine times less greenhouse gas? Are you aware that silicones can significantly minimise fuel consumption for cars and shipping? Silicone is a high-performance material that is ideal for meeting the demands of today’s high-performance transport.

How silicones are used in transport

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Silicones are resistant to extremes of temperature, salt, fuel and moisture. Lightweight silicone components like those supplied by a silicone hose manufacturer also contribute to fuel efficiency, lower emissions, and safe and efficient vehicle operation.

How silicones improve our lives

Lower weight and durable silicone components have two huge benefits for the environment. First, the increased fuel efficiency delivers savings of £1400 million a year across Europe. In addition, the reduction in greenhouse gases delivers benefits to public health and the environment. Silicones are a win-win solution.

How silicones are used in transport2

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Silicones ensure safety

If you’re lucky enough never to have needed to use your airbag, you won’t know that the gas-tight and durable fabrics they’re composed of are coated with silicone. This coating ensures that the bag doesn’t leak and can resist extremes of temperature when inflating or operated during a fire. Silicone will continue to perform year after year for optimum safety.

Silicones increase fuel efficiency

Silicones are widely used in car manufacturing to insulate electronics, seal doors and windows to reduce friction, bond lightweight materials, and decrease rolling resistance in tyres. These components can significantly reduce fuel consumption, which is why it makes sense to replace like with like from a trusted silicones manufacturer like https://www.goodflexrubber.com for continued efficiencies.

Silicone paints and coatings are used to create a http://www.international-marine.com/Literature/Intersleek-WhitePaper.pdf smooth and sleek surface on the hull of ships and boats, reducing friction and creating conditions where fouling organisms simply slip off. This dramatic reduction in dirt and film increases fuel efficiency, which outweigh CO2 emissions from the manufacture of the products 182 times.

Silicones reduce environmental impact

By reducing fuel consumption in the transport sector, silicones also help to reduce its carbon footprint. For example, for every tonne of CO2 that is emitted during the production of silicone used for components and coatings, 86 tonnes of CO2 are saved. In fact, silicone rubber is the only material that can withstand the high operational temperatures of a modern combustion engine and continue to deliver outstanding, long-life performance.