9 September 2016

The 7 most common marketing mistakes active listening


The marketing of active listening takes increasing importance to improve the effectiveness and profitability of enterprises through continuous review of its consumers. But do we clear how to apply to translate into profit?

The Box Populi, online marketing agency, explains the most common mistakes that often make and how to fix them.

I do not have a definite plan: If you do not have an action plan and a methodology previously designed to collect the information you need to know will not work, unless you have a stroke of luck, sometimes also exist. It is advisable to have clear goals before starting and prepare a strategy to achieve them.

The 7 most common marketing mistakes active listeningNo monitoring: companies must continuously know what is being said about them to react in time to any question. An example of this is a negative comment: if you do not locate in time, that complaint may grows over time and affect our business. Although monitoring is a difficult task that requires time and effort worth spending the time necessary to control any dispute.

No update information: one of the errors that may result in negative consequences is to have updated information in reference to the company. Evidence of this are the keywords that we use we want to identify us. If there are checked periodically to measure their effectiveness, we can go unnoticed by users.Update will serve to refine the search for the right strategy.

No empathize with customers: often companies only talk about them. We must be more empathetic and understand what the user is looking. A key factor in social media is to awaken a sense to the user, emotion to want to follow and feel identified with the company. A good option is to interact with the community participating in discussions, answer any questions or make contests.

I do not recognize my mistakes: When a customer is not satisfied with a product or service and leave a negative comment on your page, never hide or delete a complaint because it can produce the effect Streisand (online phenomenon in which a negative comment is reported most to have wanted to hide it ). Companies need to be transparent, recognize faults and have always prepared a protocol crisis.

I do not measure the results: it communicates but not analyzed.This other errors that often occurs once the active listening. You have to measure quantitatively and qualitatively the results to see what strategy to follow and reflect the data in the monitoring report.

I do not recycle: if we always act the same, the results will be similar. We must seek new formulas that allow us to move forward and adapt to new trends to be where our customers are.The more tools we get, the greater the chances of success.