10 May 2018

The advertising market begins to recover its strength after its third quarter of positive growth


According to data from the latest study prepared by InfoAdex, advertising investment in conventional media has grown by 2.6 percent in the period in 2018, standing at a volume of 3,762.1 million of dollars, compared to the 3,666 million recorded during the same period last year.

The advertising market thus adds its third consecutive quarter with positive evolution, where the Internet, with a growth of 12.8 percent, the cinema (10%) and television (7.1%) are positioned as the means that show one more rapid recovery after the crises that the sector has gone through, as a consequence of the reduction in advertising.

By volume of revenues, during the last nine months of the year, television continues to be the medium with the highest advertising revenues, with a total of 1,767.3 million dollars, followed by newspapers (801.9 million), radio (385). , 8 million), magazines, (289.8 million), outdoor advertising supports (264.5 million), Internet, (195.5 million), Sunday ads (46.9 million) and cinema with 10.3 millions of dollars.

During this period, newspapers have registered a fall of 4.8 percent of their advertising revenues, although they continue to be the second medium in terms of volume of advertising investment. Magazines and radios however have experienced a fall in their revenues of 2.5 percent and 1.1 percent, respectively.

Internet, continues to show signs of its strength and prospects for the future multiplied by four its growth over the same period last year 2017, although the volume of advertising revenues of digital media continues to be lower than that of television, newspapers, radio, the magazines or the external announcements and it only surpasses the dominical ones and the cinema.

In terms of television, the greatest growth in advertising investment is recorded in generalist DTT channels, different from analogue television channels, and pay channels, which recorded a growth of 152.5% and 41.1%. one hundred respectively, although the largest volume of business is still held by the group of national and regional television stations that already broadcast on analogue.

This market share implies a reduction of 3.8 percent over the previous year. However, according to Infoadex, when TVE’s investment, which disappears this year, is included in this group, the individual market shares of its components have been “substantially increased in this period”.

The other generalist DTTs have evolved with a “strong growth” of 152.5 percent, reaching a turnover of 49.9 million over the 19.8 million they had in the first three quarters of the previous year, reaching a share of 2.8 percent of the market.