19 October 2016

Companies seriously conscienceless of the need to develop a strategy content


93% of B2B and implements it in your marketing strategy, and more positive results than the previous year. The latest report from MarketingProfs and the WCC, sponsored by Brightcove reflects that 42% of marketers believe that your strategy is effective, compared to 36% in 2012.

This has made that 73% of marketers generate more content than last year, and 58% have plans to increase its budget in this area. The result of all this, content marketing has been professionalized. 44% of respondents have a well documented strategy content, while 73% have a responsible supervision focused on actions related to content marketing.

The report reflects a variety of techniques and types of content. On average, companies use up to 13 different, among which social networks, present in 87% of cases, followed by the content in the website (81%), electronic newsletters (80%), the boga ( 76%) and the publication of studies and videos (73%). It is also important to note the increase in the generation of computer graphics over the previous year (51% vs 38%). As for its effectiveness, respondents highlight the great host of studies and videos by users (64%).

When choosing which 2.0 platforms spread the message, an overwhelming majority opted for LinkedIn. 91% of B2B participating in the study used the social network for professionals to get their content. A medium that outpaces Twitter (85%), the broadcast channel par excellence, or Facebook (81%), the queen of the social networks.

As for the other channels that are included in the content strategy, YouTube appears in fourth place (73%), clear indicator of the commitment of companies in the audiovisual content. Also noteworthy is the role of Google (55%), a social network that continues to gain followers, and whose value from the point of view of SEO is indisputable.

If we focus on the effectiveness of these channels, 62% of respondents concluded that LinkedIn is the platform that provides the best results, followed by Twitter (50%) and YouTube (48%). Facebook, meanwhile, appears relegated to sixth place. Only 30% of marketers rely on their effectiveness.

B2B objectives pursued its strategy of content

Increasing brand awareness remains the primary objective of these companies. 82% works to increase brand contest; a goal that remains unchanged over the past 4 years. Then, 74% intended to generate ledas interested in their company, while 71% are looking to attract customers.Next in order of importance the idea of positioning itself as a reference in the sector (68%), along with its concern to generate engagement (64%) and encourage customer loyalty (57%).

How to measure the effectiveness of its strategy

To evaluate the results of their actions, 63% draws on the increase in web traffic (63%), while 54% check the quality of the leads obtained, or activity content generated in networks social (50%). Other important indicators are the number of leads (48%), SEO (44%) position, or the time devoted to visits the web (40%).

In view of the positive results, 58% of these marketers planned to increase the budget for content marketing over the next 12 months. Currently, 30% of the marketing budget is devoted to these actions.

As reflected in the report, companies are seriously concienciadas with the need to develop an effective content strategy. The challenges they face are, especially, lack of time (69%), the need to generate sufficient (55%) content, that content really be interesting for the audience (47%) or have sufficient budget (39%). The most important step is to know the important role of content marketing within the communication strategy of the company.From there, you can trace the actions to follow.