14 March 2016

Creating the Next Big App


A lot of would-be developers and people who just have a great idea dream of creating the next big, blockbuster app. Others don’t aim quite so high, but have a really good app idea and think selling it might be a good way to make some extra money.

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It’s important to appreciate that making money from an app isn’t as easy as some people think. You can’t just stick it in the App Store and on Google Play and expect the sales to just start rolling in. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t give your great idea a go if you really feel it has potential. After all, we never would have had crazes like Angry Birds if nobody had dared try out their great app ideas. However, before you make a new game, handy tool, or fun timekiller that takes the world by storm, there are a few things you are going to need.

The Right Skills

Creating an app requires a strong portfolio of skills. At the most basic level, you will need technical skills – specifically the ability to code the app – and creative, graphical skills to make it look good. If you lack some or all of these skills you will need to either learn them or hire an expert to work with you and translate your idea into a working app. If you intend to gain these skills for yourself, the level of programming skill required to put together a simple but useful tool can be learned more quickly than you think, but creating more complex apps is a much more difficult matter. For certain types of app, particularly games, there may be tools out there to help simplify the process and reduce the amount of actual coding necessary.

Expert Testing

Even if you have expert, in-depth knowledge of programming and have meticulously checked over your code and tested functionality, this is still probably not enough to create a polished and problem-free app that is ready to make the public say “wow!” You need more than one pair of eyes, and ideally you should turn to specialist, expert software testing services to find and eliminate any bugs or problems with your app.
Good Marketing

As stated above, you can’t just place your app in the appropriate outlets and expect the sales to start rolling in, however good it is. Some apps succeed with this little effort, but it’s very rare. If you want people to discover your app and decide that they want to give it a go, then you will need to make sure they hear about it and make sure that the things they hear sound compelling. To do that, you must market. There are a number of different marketing methods out there, and once again it might be worth seeking out the services of an expert to help clarify this complex area.  Agencies like mynt-apps.co.uk could be ideal, they build and developing apps and they concentrate on mobile apps for business and loyalty apps in specific.