19 May 2018

Customer loyalty and satisfaction, the main management needs of companies


The economic crisis, the concentration, the increase of establishments (1 store per 80 inhabitants) and the standardization and globalization of the stores are generating new management needs in the commerce sector. These include: customer loyalty and satisfaction, greater flexibility for store marketing and personalization of campaigns and promotions and the improvement of logistics and warehouse management systems.

This has been made clear to Toshiba by the more than 40 companies in the sector, food distribution companies, large commercial areas and hospitality chains, restaurants and specialized stores (fashion, textiles or hairdressers), which have passed through their facilities. in Madrid to see the latest technologies for “the store of the future”.

The mobile purchase

For supermarkets, hypermarkets, department stores and fast food chains, ending up with the queues is in the boxes is one of the best ways to increase customer satisfaction. The great novelty of Toshiba to achieve this is the “mobile purchase” with its Toshiba StoreMate Moble Experience solution. With it the customer fills his car and makes his account in real time with a small mobile device, which also offers information on promotions and complementary purchases. When finished, without waiting for those queues or going through the cash, pay with the credit card and you’re done. Even with a customer card the bill could reach you directly at home, you would not need to pay at that time.

Toshiba will also soon launch this type of mobile device for store staff, to charge customers who wait, when the usual boxes can not absorb the influx of public This system is ideal in cinemas, fast food restaurants and clothing stores for the months of sales. Systems like these not only offer advantages to the client, but also allow them to increase their average expenditure.

Make promotions more flexible and adapt them to the client

According to Toshiba, for its customers to sell more, it is vital to improve the ways of attracting customers and promotion systems so that they are almost personalized to each type of customer. The solution of Toshiba to this happens through i-Self and the dynamic screens of intelligent promotion, two new equipment for digital promotion. Here some screens show audiovisual offers or call the attention of the clients about the exposed with sound and different lights. In the future, an RFID camera or reader will allow prices and promotions to be adapted to the type of customer that passes by.

Its practical application in a clothing store will allow, for example show the rest of available complements that combine with a garment. In a bar you can change the prices and make specific promotions according to the time of day (breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner) or allow you to show more attractive dishes of a letter or even videos of their preparation.

Radio-frequency identification: logistics, warehouse and store

Toshiba is also innovating in logistics technologies. The main novelties are the labeling and RFID management systems, which reduce the entry and exit control of products from the central warehouse and stores to minutes. This same system can be used to label all the clothes of a store and set up a system that controls the stock of shelves in store, so that you never miss anything in store or even to discover in an automated way which products are perceived as expensive by the stores. consumers, as they are picked up and left on the shelf repeatedly. The portable printing and relabeling and another solution to synchronize the promotions with the stock status in the warehouse, can speed up the logistic management in the case of perishable products (food and catering) or seasonal (clothes).