27 October 2018

Digital Marketing Manager and community managers, among the most demanded profiles in the ICT sector


Employment grows in activities related to the Internet and involves the emergence of new professions in the digital environment such as: digital marketing manager, e-commerce manager, community manager, usability expert, professional blogger, chatroom animator, forum moderator, auditor and web analyst, 3D animation developer, coolhunter, virtual tutor, etc.

Within the current economic crisis, the Internet continues to be one of the few fields in which the activity does not stop growing: 97.4% of companies with 10 or more employees have a connection to the Internet, according to the latest data from the INE (National Institute of Statistics). Two every three companies have a website and almost one in four companies make purchases through electronic commerce. In fact, e-commerce and digital content generated more than 15,000 million dollars in 2010, according to ONTSI (National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society) and sales of electronic commerce increased by 17 , 3% last year over 2009, according to the ONTSI. All this translates into qualified employment.

Another important piece of information registered by ONTSI is that 20.5% of companies use their web pages to advertise job offers or receive online job applications. And one of the most demanding areas, which does not register unemployment even at this time, is everything related to the Internet. Companies are generating new activities and need qualified professionals, but can barely cover the jobs they demand.

The ICT sector does not stop creating jobs

51% of the job offer for qualified young people in the Community of Madrid is concentrated in four sectors: ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), consulting (in many cases, technology consulting), engineering, and energy and water.

Since March 2010, employment in professions related to the Internet is growing, while the whole of the market is following a negative path, according to the employment portal Infojobs. This platform registered 24,000 offers for jobs related to the Network between January and September of last year, mostly for programming tasks.

According to the data of AMETIC (Multisectorial Association of Companies of the Electronics, the Technologies of the Information and the Communication, of the Telecommunications and of the Digital Contents), the employment in the TIC sector is characterized by the “stability, with a fixed contracting 84.3% “. According to this organization, the ICT hypersector already employs 331,000 people.

Most of the demand for employment is concentrated around five categories: IT and telecommunications (92%, middle or higher graduates, and engineers); Marketing and Communication; design and graphic arts; Trade and sales; and customer service (for example, through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter).

The new professions on the Net

Internet started creating new professions as webmaster, web programmer, web designer, e-marketing technician, server engineer, database technician, customer service expert by chat or email, e-commerce specialist …

Social networks have come to increase activity much more. Companies are increasingly exploring these new channels to manage their online reputation, find new business niches, interact with customers and potential customers, etc. Thus, new professions are appearing as:

  • Community manager (dynamizes a social network or virtual community serving as a link between a company and society through an online environment.) Fosters conversations and debates, collects the needs of users, customers and fans, offers solutions, etc., to It also takes care of activating the conversation of a chat and reactivating it when the interest declines, in addition to guiding certain opinions, filtering and reacting to aggressive, offensive or insulting messages from the company. some users).
  • Chief social media officer (in large companies, is responsible for the definition and execution of the company’s global strategy in social networks, reporting to the most responsible on the influence in the different digital communities).
  • Professional blogger (develops articles or blogs on topics of interest to Internet users).
  • Digital Marketing Manager (specialist in the new advertising and promotion elements that move on the web, and its effectiveness in the creation of campaigns to promote products or services.)
    Within this profile, more and more experts in affiliation and traffickers in companies where due specialization of posts is achieved, its function is to generate traffic to boost the digital presence of companies and are responsible for monitoring the campaigns carried out by the company.
  • Responsible for SEO -search engine optimization, search engine optimization- or SEM -search engine marketing, search engine marketing- (adapts the information of a web page and uses online marketing techniques so that a company appears in the first positions of the results offered by the search engines -Google, etc.- according to certain keyword).
  • Web 2.0 programmer (creates applications that run on a company’s website and allow participation and interaction with users).
  • Responsible for web usability (guarantees the clarity and ease with which Internet users can navigate through an Internet portal and access its contents)
  • Web Auditor (studies the functionality and accessibility of the company’s website, as well as its security problems, etc., for improvement)
  • Web analyst (studies and measures the level of acceptance of a brand or product by users -traffic, page views, origin of visits, etc.-, makes statistics of subscribers, analyzes social networks and the way in which users exert influence over others, etc.).
  • 3D animation developer (uses new technologies to produce 3D content -videogames, movies, etc.-).
  • Developer for mobile technologies (designs and creates new components or applications that improve the performance of a mobile phone).
  • Coolhunter (detects trends and trends that can be used by companies to create new products or anticipate market needs).
  • Virtual Tutor (attends and solves problems and doubts of students who take online courses).

Precisely, the lack of professionals trained on the Internet was the trigger for the birth of the MIB (Master in Internet Business), created by the ISDI (Higher Institute for Internet Development) in 2009. Now, companies look among their students profiles they need to lead their strategies in the digital market. Currently, the MIB has one of the most notable employment opportunities in the digital environment, since it is generating more than one job offer for each student. 75% of these offers are aimed at finding a professional who leads the digitalization of the company, especially in the area of ​​marketing.

Profiles of professionals most in demand at the MIB

  • Digital Marketing Manager : represents 50% of the demands of companies. In half of the cases, these are newly created departments, while the other half are looking for an improvement and development of an already initiated strategy.
  • General managers, managers and country managers : 25% of the offers that the MIB brings together are aimed at first managers and managers capable of starting up a new business. In general, this type of offers comes from companies that have proven successful in other countries, and want to expand and set up a subsidiary in or incipient businesses with development capacity. In these cases, the companies are directed to profiles of entrepreneurs with extensive knowledge of the Internet but also eager to face the challenge of launching a new brand.
  • Medium profiles : The other 25% of the profiles are divided between the figure of the expert in SEM and SEO and the community manager (in which case, the requirements are directed towards the skills in the management of SEO and the SEM – search engine positioning- , website management, online campaigns and presence in social networks), which account for 85% of this offer, and other types of profiles more varied among which are the design, product manager, advertising and technical management.
  • Training : In this aspect, knowledge and experience on the Internet accompanied by a bachelor’s degree prevail, although companies leave, in most cases, the possibility to different disciplines: marketing, advertising, journalism and economics are the ones that prevail. Opportunities for all profiles

Nacho de Pinedo, CEO of ISDI, explains that “the speed at which the digitalization of our economy has grown exceeds the capacity of professionals to train with a global vision on this environment, so that there is an evident bottleneck in the market: very few professionals trained in front of an unstoppable demand of managers, operators and digital transformers. And more and more professionals are required with a transversal vision about the digital business. That is the fundamental reason for the success of our employment exchange. This trend will continue to grow in the future because the Internet environment will be key in generating new jobs. ”

The MIB has become the true category killer of Internet business training: more than 400 face-to-face hours from September to June, a chosen list of more than 75 digital professionals as professors and speakers and an ambitious academic program covering the main areas on which the business revolves on the Internet.

Far from what can be thought, there are opportunities for all kinds of experts and professionals, not only for technical profiles.