2 November 2017

Companies must be aware that social networks are not child’s play


Talking about social networks and Social media in the commercial and business sphere is no longer strange or abnormal. Its emergence generated a mass phenomenon that ended up conquering also businesses and brands due to its great potential and great possibilities.

The truth is that during all this time, many things have changed. Social networks have become powerful tools for marketing and communication of companies, and we have learned the most fundamental: success in social networks does not come just by being in them. Requires an effort and continuous work in a battlefield where all types of users concur. Fans and detractors of brands, but above all critical and hard when companies do not face, hide or are unable to offer efficient solutions and immediate responses.

There will still be many who consider that social networks can be conceived as a fashion or a trend that ends up wearing away giving way to other technological innovations. But the important thing is the moment we live. And yes, this is possible. However, a little over a decade ago, many managers and businessmen despised the value and need to maintain an Internet presence through the web, something essential in our for all types of businesses.

Thinking about social networks as a leisure space where users spend their free time, is not incompatible with the fact that it is the ideal place for brands and companies to have an active and prominent presence. Even, we could say that this would be the ideal scenario that we had imagined and desired much earlier. Therefore, it is essential that despite the different myths about this type of media, companies are really aware of their advantages, their dangers and their possibilities, taking all of this seriously and thinking about making use of them. Smart way to benefit your business. 

Yes We Can

This was the slogan used by Democratic Senator Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential primary campaign that took him to the White House as President of the United States. And it is precisely this motto that companies should take as a spirit in their adventure in social media.

You can but you should try the right way. Without strategy there is no paradise, and in social networks, the mere presence without control or management can end up being harmful and counterproductive. It would be like a citizen passionate about war films who decides to appear in the middle of a battle without defense or weapons. Surely it would come out badly hurt. Who would think!

This unusual example can help us understand the importance of knowing the environment in which we are going to venture. Knowing how it works, how we can be prepared, what kind of resources we will need and what we will need to invest in, and above all, to be clear about whether we have a strategy and a defined objective. As we can see for nothing it seems the children’s game that many refer to as playing down importance.

The truth is out there inside  

Fox William Mulder was the fictional character played by the actor David Duchovny in the television series X-Files, and in his office was always visible that poster in which the phrase “The Truth is Out There” could be read. Outside or inside, what was important was his search for the truth. Find the reasons and the answers to your questions and questions. And of course, in the case of social networks, there are also companies that due to ignorance continue to question what are the important aspects and reasons to be present and maintain a continuous activity within them.

In response to all this, we must show that social networks are a real opportunity for companies because they have provided us with the ideal scenario to establish and improve the links and relationships with our customers and followers, having the opportunity to know them. better, know what their preferences are, what they really want or need and what their perception is towards our own brand or company.

The presence of companies in social networks, is only the beginning of a long way in which companies are launched. A tour during which surprises are not exempt. Clients who require more attention or help and who are impatient for a quick and efficient response, problems or bad experiences with a product or service and that remain aired in the eyes of all, complaints, complaints, claims, all kinds of opinions. Are companies really ready for it?

At this very moment there will be those who are thinking … well, it’s better not to be there! Wrong conclusion.This reaction would be demonstrating our neglect and the fear of facing the real problems that surround our business, and the problems of our own clients and consumers that independent of our presence in this type of media will remain the same. Why not be filled with courage, honesty, seriousness, closeness, transparency, goodwill and being present in a medium not only to sell but to help or improve the relationship with those who one day trusted our business? Although for many consumers this may well resemble a utopia,  If we have the opportunity to be truly social companies, why not be?

It is more than clear that this is not child’s play, and the problem is that many companies have not really grown or matured to realize it.