Digital marketing, a perfectly greased machine
At this point the words Digital Marketing are not unknown to anyone. Everyone, professionals and users, we know the many benefits that this type of marketing can bring to our company, which, on the other hand, perfectly complements offline or traditional marketing.
To get the most out of digital marketing, we must establish a good strategy to follow, a strategy that allows us to contemplate and satisfy all the needs that we, as professionals, and our clients may have.
But, this digital marketing is not easy. It requires a lot of work and knowing very well the means and the tools that we have at our disposal.
Within digital marketing we can find many areas, so the best thing is that it is an expert in the field that manages each one of them, we must not fall into the error of thinking that we can hire a single person who is responsible for all because that way we will get cheaper (eye, there are professionals who play all the clubs), but the best thing is to manage each area with a professional specialized in each, although this may be more expensive. However, each company has needs and objectives, and digital marketing actions that some may demand, are not necessary for others.
A field within digital marketing increasingly used is SEO and SEM, perhaps the most technical area, in which professionals help us position our website or blog in search engines, for what they try to optimize to the maximum our site according to the requirements, mainly, of Google. Within this field is also contemplated the derivation of traffic to our website from the advertisements, for which we can use the different formats of ads offered by Google advertising in its different modalities.
But, to achieve a good positioning in the search engines it is necessary to have quality content to share, and this is where the gear of content marketing come into play. Not only do we have to generate good content, but make it easy to share on social media and establish channels for that dissemination.
In this same line, another piece of the machine is the Social Networks, the medium that we are going to use to make ourselves known and to spread the content that we have created previously, although also contents of other users. It is very important to choose very well which channels we are going to use, since those will be the means by which the users will contact us and they will interact with us. So, we need no difficulties of any kind to establish good communication with our audience through these channels.
A very powerful piece to create engagement of our machine is email marketing, which many people consider dead, although in reality it is still very much alive. The email allows us to reach a large mass of avid users of our news and updates, and we can use it to build loyalty to our customers by offering something interesting to them, such as special promotions or exclusive content for the simple fact of subscribing to the newsletter. A database with customer emails can be very useful to publicize future releases of our brand.
Something that is positive, not only of email marketing, but of digital marketing in general, is that it is possible to know the ROI of the actions that we undertake through the tools that are put at our reach. We can know the ROI of our actions thanks to the feedback of our users, know what works for them and what does not, allowing us to modify our strategy based on the results we obtain.
Thanks to the ROI we can know our strategy is giving the expected results, what we can find out with the last piece, but no less important, of our machine, the analysis.
Every action generates a reaction and that reaction is what we have to analyze and measure: the results. For this there are many tools that we will not mention, but we must point out that it is necessary to obtain positive results by customizing our reports establishing from the beginning the KPIs and the indicators that we need to measure based on the objectives set.
Many people forget or overlook the importance of analytics, and as professionals, we can not lose perspective: actions are important, but it is even more important to know if they work or not.
Therefore, we can conclude that digital marketing is a machine that needs all its parts are ready and perfectly greased to give the result we expect, from the main engine to the last screw.