20 April 2018
Techniques to Enhance your Sales with Dreaming
The purpose of “dreaming” is to position your business in the market, so that your potential customers, “dream” with your product or service, then what you must do to have the key to the success of your marketing campaign, resides mainly in ” To Detect and Connect “with the dreams of your clients and turn them into reality.
Make your clients dream, is to make them perceive that your products or services are the solutions to their problems and needs, we currently live in a world where technology has become popular and know-how is available to everyone, war no longer it’s products, the war of marketing is a War of Perceptions. Who gets to “dream” their customers, that the solution to their problems, to your needs lies in the possession of your products or services, that will be who wins. The product or service that most customers “Perceive as the Best” that makes them “dream” is the one that wins the Marketing War.
But how to connect with your customers, so you can detect their dreams and then make them dream about them? First of all you must first understand the needs and problems that your client has, it is not about selling a product or service, it is about going further, that you can help him find the solution to solve that problem he has and that only your product or service can help you, how to do this ?, simply “focusing” on your wishes.
Focus on your “Desires”It is vital it is very important for your business that approaches, that you “focus” your website, not on your product or your service, but on the “Desires”, the emotions, the legitimate aspirations to improve that your prospects have. That dream of evolving to improve that your prospects have is not something tangible, but rather a perception that exists only in the minds of your clients, we do not sell only a product or a service, but an experience: “help your prospect to become in the person you’ve always wanted to be.
“Well once you get there, you should now look for a way to connect and get into your client’s thoughts to make them dream, although the correct term would be” daydreaming “, this will allow you to connect to a subliminal level with him, Make them “Dream” Use Testimonials The way to do it is to create your own “activators” or “triggers” of dreams, everything absolutely everything, lies in the mind of your clients and in your ability to make them dream. Stimulating the desires of your prospects is your job as “dreamketer” ” Using testimonials is a very good way to “connect” and make them “dream”, with this you will break the ice with them, and you will also be generating credibility in your website and in your sales letters, this we can see clearly in the “life” real “, in the example of the street vendors of large cities.
These street vendors” put “one or more people in the middle of the demonstration that is making their products, which automatically generate two things: Besides being a powerful trigger of the imagination and the desires of your clients, it also minimizes their fear and establishes your credibility, with this you will be providing evidence that your product or service really works.
The best way to do this is to apply this mass psychology technique, “Putting the leader” who has decided for them, includes testimonials from satisfied customers on your main website and in the sales letter that explain how your product or service It has helped them improve their lives. Additionally, you should place photos of your satisfied customers with your testimonials. This will add credibility to your statements and show your visitors that they are not just the product of your imagination.
Make sure you include the name of your satisfied customers as well as where they live, and the URL of your website. This will personalize your messages and show that they are real people who have enjoyed real benefits of your product. Put your most interesting testimonials on your website, while more sincere and spontaneous better, your sales letters have drafts, again and again, do not be discouraged until it is polished, adjust it, until you get to “connect” with your visitors. This way your clients will “dream” and they will also be using your products or services, which will make them create a feeling of emptiness in them, so they will be able to go to your purchase button.