Category: Home Improvement

18 November 2023

What is the science behind double glazing?

Ever wondered how double-glazing works? You won’t be overwhelmed by science. It’s easy to understand. Double glazing is so efficient because air conducts heat less efficiently than glass. The air trapped between the two glass panes does not conduct heat very well. This means that less heat will escape from a double pane than through a single one in cold winter months.

11 November 2023

Decor ideas inspired by ethnic cultures

You might consider an ethnic theme if you are thinking about redecorating your home. You can achieve this by using vintage or antique furniture, and choosing the right colour combination. You can customise your furniture, accessories and upholstery to reflect the ethnic style you wish to emphasise. Here are some ideas to get you started:

22 October 2023

Durable, water resistant and easy to install, the perfect flooring option for your home or office

If you are looking for a durable, water-resistant finish for your floors then you should choose 12mm Laminate Wood Flooring, it’s the perfect option for any home or office.  Easy to clean and maintain, laminate flooring comes in a large selection of colours and styles, providing plenty of options to choose from.  Laid quickly and easily by the professionals it gives a high-quality finish to […]

29 August 2023

Can I pour bleach down the sink?

Bleach is a common household cleaning product known for its powerful disinfecting properties. But while it’s often used to clean surfaces and laundry, many people wonder whether it’s safe to pour bleach down the sink. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the potential risks and consequences of pouring bleach down the sink and explore alternative methods.

24 July 2023

Planning for your Home Extension

If you want to improve your home and gain more space, an extension is the best way to do it. Before you rush into it, here are some of the things to consider to make sure that you get an extension that is going to improve your lifestyle as well as the value of the property… Think about the areas that you need more space […]

20 June 2023

The Environmental impact of Soil Contamination.

There can be an incredible amount of serious harm caused to the Natural Environment when soil becomes contaminated.  Insects, small animals and larger wildlife are exposed to the harmful contaminants and there is a distinct possibility they could die!  Heavy Metals, Hydrocarbons and Pesticides are all classified as pollutants and need to be professionally and thoroughly removed from the soil.  Experienced and professional Soil Remediation […]

15 June 2023

Investing in your property before putting it on the market to achieve the highest possible asking price.

When you have made the monumental decision to sell your current property you want to achieve the highest possible asking price to enable you to purchase the next home of your dreams. All the reality television shows that document families selling their homes show them decluttering and investing money into showing off their houses before putting them on the open market. If you have an […]

27 May 2023

How does the construction industry use pneumatic conveyors

The construction industry has a lot of material that is of very heavy weight.  With regards to materials such as aggregates this can pose something of a problem when trying to move large quantities.  gravel sand limestone and other materials that can be used to create concrete are just some examples of the difficulty needed when moving these components.  With concrete becoming an increasingly used […]

22 May 2023

Top tips for moving house

Securing your dream home can feel great, however, the next stage can be daunting and stressful if done in the wrong way. When moving houses, it is essential that you try and plan and make lists to avoid confusion. If you follow these tips, you will be on the way to an efficient and enjoyable moving experience! Once you know your move-in date, you should […]

22 May 2023

What is the Role of a Quantity Surveyor?

When you are working on a construction project, there are many people with a range of skills that you will need around you to ensure that it all goes smoothly. One of the integral roles of a successful construction project is that of a quantity surveyor. A quantity surveyor will work on many stages of the project and may not necessarily be required to work […]