10 March 2025

Write SEO-friendly blog articles

By ruiiid5

Your blog post must be excellent. Most bloggers just start writing as soon as they begin a new blog post. Some people may find this approach helpful, but others require more guidance. When starting a new blog, follow these rules:

  1. Before you write, think!

Consider carefully the message you want to convey before you begin. Answering the following questions will help you.

  • What central question or message do you wish to convey to your readers?
  • What is the purpose of this article?
  • What would you like your readers to do after reading the page?

You should also consider the intent of a user. This can give you a good idea of what people are searching for. For help from an SEO Agency Near Me, contact .nettl.com/uk/seo-agency-near-me

  1. Create a structure to your post

You must use a structure to create a blog post that is readable and SEO friendly. Every post should include the following:

  • Introduction
  • A body (in the text of which is written the main message)
  • Conclusion (in which the main points are summarised or a conclusion is drawn).

In a few sentences, write down your thoughts in each of the three sections. Now you have a summary for your blog post. You can use this to create a blog post that is readable and structured. The actual writing process can now begin.

  1. Use headings and paragraphs

Everyone uses paragraphs but not everyone uses them correctly. It might be tempting, for example, to begin each new sentence in a separate line just because it looks good. You shouldn’t! You shouldn’t make your paragraphs too long. Each paragraph should have a distinct idea or topic. Ask yourself, what is the main idea in each paragraph? You should be able to summarise the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence. If this is not possible, and you require more sentences to explain your main idea, then you can add more paragraphs.