5 August 2017

Businesses, satisfied with the results of their mobile advertising campaigns


US advertisers will end up spending about $ 1.8 billion in mobile advertising this year, more than triple what it spent in 2011, but still far from other digital channels, according to a new eMarketer study titled “Mobile Display Advertising: Aspirations, Revelations and Frustrations “(Mobile advertising: aspirations, revelations and frustrations). For most companies that have invested this year in mobile advertising, the results have been good, but there is still a significant minority that does not get profitability to their efforts.

The metrics achieved are good. The percentages of clicktrough in mobility have surpassed the generals for online advertising, even taking into account the high click-through rates already mentioned above, in relation to the “fat fingers theory”. And the levels of engagement achieved through rich media ads have led to significant growth in brand metrics. These positive trends, coupled with the widespread adoption of smartphones by growing segments of the population, are convincing companies of the need to invest ever-increasing budgets in mobile advertising.

In order to better understand the main objectives for the mobile channel, last April StrongMail, a marketing solutions provider, asked more than 800 executives from various industries and industries on this issue. Most of the responses, about 60%, said they expected to increase sales through mobility efforts, especially in direct response campaigns. In addition, approximately half of the respondents also acknowledged that they sought to improve customer service (52%), brand awareness (49%) and, slightly below, new customers (45%) thanks to this channel.

To achieve these goals, advertisers typically start with experimental levels, using simple banner campaigns and using reach metrics such as CTR and cost per impression to measure the result.

And while many companies are initially wary of the effectiveness of small mobile screens for their campaigns, they are slowly discovering the positive effects on a number of metrics as well as higher levels of engagement.
