26 August 2016

Content is king, but the customer is the boss really


Marketers are daily strive to create content, conceive that message gets maximum spreading and even, eventually become viral. A golden dream for any strategist online world.

The reign of the content remains unaltered, its power remains intact, and this has led brands to redouble their efforts in this area. The report on marketing content prepared by Curata reflects the benefits from brand awareness and engagement. Results which lead to 71% to increase its marketing budget in the next year.

The struggle to get the attention of users will worsen more so in 2016. To provide content quite often is not enough. Every day more than 92,000 articles are published on the Internet, which dilutes the ability of our message stand out.

However, although the content is king, his presence alone is not enough to achieve the intended objectives, but there is a figure that is really who has the last word: it is the client. Lead plaintiff and consumer of this type of information, who, under his expert eye, carefully selects only those pieces that deserve your attention, and rewarded with like, RT or any other interaction which considers that really are worthy of it, increasing dissemination and allowing other like-minded users reach him, with the support of his valuable recommendation.

Thus, the content is the treasure which houses all online marketing strategy, a diamond in the rough, polished, can become priceless jewel. Everything will depend on the skills of the mark to know the message shine in all its glory and get out among the many pieces that coalesce around him, in order to reach your target impact.

It is therefore appropriate to listen, learn to understand and meet their needs. One of their main demands is to obtain a positive experience with the brand, integrated across all channels. To do this, the content can exercise thread, remaining always present, with the right message, at each point of contact throughout the process. Thus, the content strategy should include these specific needs, anticipate customer requests and appear at the right time with the right solution. This will ensure the customer experience, and get reach your goal, the long-awaited conversion.

In view of the facts, 2016 is shaping up as the year of specialization in customer service vocation and the adaptation of the entire process of buying the steps he dialed. Thus, the company must strive to design a content strategy whose main objective is the customer, not the product, or sales, or virality. All these elements are complementary and direct consequences of a job well done.