21 April 2017

How to know if we’re doing our mobile optimization right


The mobile has come to revolutionize Internet access. 87% of the world’s population already has one, of which 27% are smartphones. This means that mcommerce has more than one billion potential customers. A market that is maturing, users are becoming more familiar with online purchases, and their smartphone makes it easy, it is a convenient and useful tool to find information online about the products that interest you, as well as the possibility of acquiring them Click hit

94% of companies believe that mobility is an important factor that can benefit their business, and they are right; The Google Research study shows that companies that do not have a mobile-optimized web can lose up to 40% of sales.

One very important fact that businesses should not overlook is that users develop different behavior when browsing through their mobile device than when they are in front of the home computer. Therefore, in addition to having a web adapted for mobile phones, it is also necessary to optimize their content, depending on the specific needs of mobile users. How do you know if you are doing well? Do your visitors find what they are looking for when they reach your website? These are some control points that should be closely monitored.

Number of visits from mobile users. According to Nielsen and ComScore, about 40% of web traffic is already produced online, a trend that will increase this year, to match the pc. It analyzes what percentage of mobile traffic registers your site, and periodically studies its evolution.

Number of page views of these users. What do users do when they come to your website? How long does your visit last? Which pages are the most visited? It is important to evaluate the quality of the visits, to assess if the clients easily obtain the information they seek and the navigation experience is positive.

Traffic sources. Where do your visits come from? Are your social networks an effective source of traffic? Have they clicked on any of your mobile advertising campaigns? Or is this your latest e-mailing promotion? Is Google your main source of traffic? How relevant are local searches for your site? Depending on the source of your visits you can assess whether your SEO strategy works, the effectiveness of your advertising actions or the impact of your strategy on Social Media.

Loading speed of the page. It is important that you minimize the waiting time of the users in front of your site. 75% of users do not wait more than 5 seconds to upload a site, which implies a significant loss of visits.

Where, when and how do mobile users access the internet? Do your users connect from the home Wi-Fi, or do they seek your services from a location near your establishment? Depending on the type of connection, your visits will require one type of information or another. Reinforce your content strategy based on your needs. This information will also serve to optimize the navigability of your site, giving greater visibility to the information most demanded.

What type of content is the most visited? Find out what the interests of your visits are, what products are the most popular, or which sections are the most visited. By analyzing this type of information you can take more of a surprise, such as discovering that your email address or location map are the most wanted data, which implies that you must improve its visibility.

Conversion rate. What percentage of your visits starts the purchase process? Of those, how many finally complete it? Do you know who are leaving your shopping cart? Generate conversion codes to find out this valuable information, which will help you to detect weaknesses and develop a strategy to recover some of those interrupted purchases.

Socialize your web. Take advantage of the potential of social networks as a direct channel of communication with your customers. Encourage them to raise their doubts, encourage their comments and implement social login. In this way, you will promote communication and overcome the initial mistrust.

Is your site mobile-friendly? What other control points would you add?