25 August 2017

If we learn to listen, we will extract relevant insights for the brand


One of the most engaging debates for attendees was the developed management around the large volumes of information available in companies and the ability of the company to get to know “listen”. Every time we enter a website, a social network, every time we call a contact center, every time we interact with the company, we are supplying a whole series of data and information that makes it very difficult to have a simple vision And only consumer.

For Catalina Pons de Intervida, “too much information can produce paralysis. Social media is a rough diamond for marketing managers. The dream of any marketiniano is to know the customer one by one, to know what interests him, what his preferences are, when he consumes our products, where he interacts and who he is exactly.

According to Mireia Guix of the company Tous, “social media has allowed us to know better our national and international consumers, since from a single Facebook page you can analyze trends, preferences and tastes of your target buyer.”

What can we do from companies to extract “sense” from everything we already have?

For Catalina Pons (Intervida) “it is necessary to have valid tools that help optimize the time and resources available, bringing us the keys to the digital environment, in a dynamic, synthetic and compressed way, such as that provided by SAIO of Epsilon Technologies.”

From Phillips, Ana Martin recommends having very defined KPIs is the way to not be distracted by much information. “Kpi’s very simple, but relevant, and at the same time do not forget to organize monthly meetings 360º where the whole marketing team is involved.”

Paloma Gafo, of Nivea, also believes that “it is very important to conduct monthly meetings 360º with all marketing team, as well as external collaborators who help us in matters of online reputation, SEM, SEO, social media, web, content, etc”.

“All the findings and learnings of the month are summarized in a single page where the objectives and KPIs of the following month are marked. Our objective is to group the most relevant KPIs of each platform with the purpose of integrating the Social Media environment into a single scorecard, “continues Gafo.

But sometimes we think that only customers have a voice, forgetting about other groups or groups. So María Abad of Ford reminds us that “while digital users are us provide many insights, we must also pick them up from our internal teams (dealers) as they are all day contact with the end customer.”

“At Ford we receive periodically a report on the favorable opinion as well as the intention to buy our consumers from our four closest competitors. We cross this information with spontaneous digital noise to analyze how the key attributes of our business (technology, efficiency, comfort, safety, power …) are valued. ” And he ends by commenting that “active listening helps us to redefine and refine our messages”.

Ana Martin (Philips) points to another important group: “The employees of our organization are the best ambassadors of the brand so we must create internal listening mechanisms that help us generate insights for improvement.”

But listen for what? Catalina Pons (Intervida) tells us that “if we learn to listen, we will extract relevant insights for the brand that if we put them in value against the Directorate General we can convince them even more of the potential that Social Media has. With social media it is no longer necessary to use research techniques based on fictions and small group dynamics that represent hypothetical universes.”

Paloma Gafo (Nivea) recommends us to create spaces in the brand’s own social environments, where users can freely and publicly express opinions about products, generating credibility and improvement feedback for the company.

But of course, Pons reminds us (Intervida), “opening our social channels requires courage and overcome the fear of criticism, once these barriers are overcome, consumers are grateful for brands to listen to each other and generate a positive debate towards the brand “.

Daniel Dévai, Social Media Director of Epsilon Technologies, believes that in order to manage large volumes of information and perform effective active listening, which contributes value to the decision-making in the company, it must take into consideration 5 great parameters (SAIO ) For the brand:

1.- Analyze the share of noise share, as well as that of its consumers, dynamically to anticipate trends, analyze variations changes and movements of competition.

2.- Analyze in depth the behavior of digital consumers, with the objective of knowing what is their concern, where they interact, at what times, what is the demographic profile of their users. Increasing the knowledge of the users will allow the company to fine-tune the editorial line and the contents for each nucleus of consumers.

3.- Select those KPIs that are relevant to the brand and update them in biweekly and monthly intervals. To generate an agile and dynamic dashboard, KPIs must be selected based on predefined marketing objectives at the beginning of the year.

4.- Analyze very well all the movements of the competition (tactics, actions, contents, KPIs …), carrying out a continuous benchmark and interpreting the best practices and lessons learned, in order to be able to learn from the environment.

5.- Control the reputation of the brands with adequate algorithms, which audit the entirety of the network in order to prevent crisis online.

6.-Feedback messages and communication strategies based on the active monthly listening that takes place. Spontaneous opinion becomes increasingly relevant and representative.

The digital environment has meant an unprecedented change in the company, we do not talk about how to work, manage or do business, but about the very conception of the business, the way of looking at the company.

This change requires experts to make educators and translators from the new digital world into the old world. The role of the Digital Manager is not limited to managing a small or large area of the business of the company, but to serve as an interface between those two worlds. In this line, Barcelona will host on December 11 the Second Meeting Point for Digital Managers in Esade Creapolis from 9am to 2pm.