17 August 2017

Many companies still expect miracles out of nowhere in Social Media


As Albert Einstein pointed out when he said that “it is easier to believe than to think, and that this is the reason why there are more believers than thinkers.” And is that the faith of many companies makes them continue to believe that there are still miracles in this Social Media or that anyone can take charge of social networks, that followers come alone or that with the mere presence success is assured.

Nothing further from reality, Social Media is not “coming and kissing the Saint”; But the result of a carefully planned strategy and a lot of effort and daily work. However, there are those who still hope that with the mere presence in social networks, by magic the company reaches a notorious presence on the Internet, it rains the interactions and positive comments and customers are killed by acquiring their products. Sorry to disappoint you, but if what you expect is a miracle, you are completely wrong ..

An online community is not created in 7 days. All beginnings are hard, and in this area was not going to be less. When you open a social profile you find yourself in the middle of the desert: surrounded by nothingness. No content, no followers and, what can be worse: not knowing what to do. To cope with this situation, it is necessary to have an adequate strategy and, if you do not have the proper training, put yourself in the hands of a specialist, who will know how to carry out the project.

Users do not multiply, like breads and fish. To get followers, you need to give them reasons to follow you and, above all, to stay with you. Provides quality content, tailored to your interests; That captures their attention and encourages them to share. In this way you will increase exponentially the number of followers and, above all, you will promote the link with the brand.

There are no prophets, although apostles and evangelizes of the brand. Do not count on users on their own initiative to dedicate themselves to recommending your company right and wrong, unless they really believe in it. To do this, you have to earn their trust by demonstrating that you know them well, know their interests and how to meet their needs. In this way they will believe in you and be willing to preach the goodness of your brand.

Users are not enough with faith. To trust your brand you want proofs and facts. Tangible signs that the company lives up to its word, that it really deserves its trust and actually cares about them.

They do not believe in eternal life, nor do they expect you to take them to the promised land, but to better their day to day life in this earthly world. As simple as offering them quality content, providing them with value, loaded with leisure and entertainment; As well as that you know to have samples of your interest towards them, offering them exclusive advantages and a special treatment.

They expect you to heed their supplications and petitions. They address you when they have a problem, because they know that in your hand is the solution. It is your duty to listen to them and do your best to remedy your situation.

Online reputation does not rise on the third day. Before a crisis of reputation, you have to know how to act, have a plan of action and always be accessible, Ready to make the waters return to their course, without thereby increasing the possible damage caused. The last thing that is expected of you is that you turn your back on the problem and wait for it to be solved by itself.

Your followers expect much from you in Social Media, if you do not keep your word, it will be you who burn in the eternal fire.