Planning a Business Move
For business owners, moving office can be as stressful as moving house. Additional stress is that every minute of not operating and downtime costs money. Follow these tips for making your move as smooth as possible:
Announce your move
It is a good idea to let important contacts know of your move before it happens. This might include clients, suppliers or anyone else who has lots of contact with your business. Try to do this around one month before the move date. Don’t forget about updating social media sites and the business website too!
Use the opportunity to have a clear out of waste that has accumulated over the years and every file that is not relevant or object no longer needed. It’s also a great time to review your suppliers, to rethink layout and maybe relocate staff positions.
Use the help of professional and experienced movers and this will take a lot of the stress out of moving and minimize disruption to the business. Sometimes steps can be scheduled to take place overnight, so everything could be in place for employees arriving in the morning. For a Removal Company Essex, visit a site like
Update all your marketing materials as soon as possible which will make your business look much more professional. Many businesses leave it too late, almost as an afterthought, but it makes you look unprofessional. Signature email updates also need to be done before the moving day.
Employees are very particular about their things, so be sure to label each keyboard, chair and monitor with the user’s name. Also, bag up leads and cables associated with each workstation and place with the user’s computer.