17 February 2017

Social networks can help sell


Social networks can serve to sell, as demonstrated by the work done by Social Centered Selling, under the leadership of Jim Keenan, where 3 out of 4 sellers who used social networks in their business strategy achieved better results in 2012 Than those who did not use them. This is a tremendously positive fact, which surprised even the researchers themselves.

For this study, we had the testimony of 511 salespeople, who move mainly in the B2B area, of which, 78.3% use social networks to sell. More than half of the respondents who use these media recognize that social networks were involved in at least one of their contracts, while 40% acknowledge that Social Media has helped them close 2 to 5 agreements. Another 10% were explicit in recognizing that social networks were directly related to their activity and helping them in their trade agreements.

The main reasons that move these professionals to make use of social networks are their advantages to networking and to obtain more information about the sector and its target audience.

When it came to improving its income account (by at least 10%), social sellers 23% exceeded their targets, compared to 18.9% of those who did not use these channels. In addition, those who do not use these 2.0 tools are more likely to move away from this goal. 32.4% of those who failed to meet objectives did not use social networks, compared to 27.5% of those who were sellers 2.0.

How much time do these social sellers dedicate to Social Media?

Another issue that arises the work of Jim Keenan is the time they allocate to social networks; To which more than half of the respondents indicated that they spend less than 10% of their time on their 2.0 actions; So it is a profitable activity.

Which social networks are the most effective for social marketers?

LinkedIn is the preferred platform for these commercials, followed by Twitter, while Facebook appears in third place. Participants in the survey also highlighted the role of Blogger to strengthen their business relationships, and even Google, which ranks fifth.

It should be noted that 75% of these vendors indicated that they had not received any training in this area from their company; Which shows that it still gives much to advance in this field, mainly in terms of recognition of the effectiveness of this matter within the sales strategy.