2 September 2020

Storage solutions for a small workshop


Small workshops are a great way to separate your messy projects from the house, but they fill up fast. When they do, it doesn’t take long before you start losing small tools and parts in the mess.

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If you’re like most DIYers, parting with your ‘treasures’ is never your first choice. You have to look for other, better ways to keep everything and still have space. Here is a look at the top four space-saving storage ideas that will help you do just that.

Leverage overhead storage

Going a little bit higher with storage is one of the easiest ways to declutter a small space. You can build shelves that go straight to the ceiling, then use a small ladder to get up there. Alternatively, you can make pull-out shelves that are strong enough to be steps.

When considering shelving Ireland has a lot of options to offer. Think stackable steel options, pallet racking and long span shelving. You don’t have to worry about DIYing wooden shelves if carpentry is not your thing.

Get the workbench to do more

A workbench is probably the biggest piece of furniture in any workshop. While it might be an essential part of the setup, its underside is often unusable. Now imagine installing a flap on it and mounting a mile saw. The tool can stay under the table when not in use and be brought to the workspace when needed. This flip-top workbench idea can also work with even bigger tools.

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Make bulky tools and workspaces mobile

If a flip-flop workbench is out of the question, try slapping wheels on workspaces and storage. For example, you can get nice shelves from https://www.rackzone.ie/ and put wheels on them. The setup is not just a good idea, but it is essential in maximizing a small space. This little hack is perhaps the easiest on this list, but its impact goes a long way.

Folding Workbench

It’s hard to beat the effect of a folding workbench in a tiny workshop. Getting it out of the way means more space to manoeuvre bulky equipment and even makes it easier to clean the room. However, that’s not the best part; you can easily create a foldable workbench with a couple of basic tools.