13 July 2018

Television and Internet drive the recovery of the advertising market


According to the data of the last media panel of Zenith Vigía, “the end of the crisis” in the advertising market “may be close”.

The data of the report reveal a recovery of the advertising market despite the slight fall of 1.6 percent of the advertising investment experienced during the month of July. Even so, this fall, the smallest of the year, indicates that the recovery could be close and during the next months the advertising investment could grow again above the forecasts.

According to the study itself, in some media such as television, private channels have obtained particularly positive results after the suppression of advertising on TVE and the subsequent distribution of the “advertising cake” and the increase in prices, which could result in increases above 30% of the income for the chains.

In the case of thematic televisions, the forecasts also indicate a possible increase in investment of 10.3%, with open thematic channels that experienced the greatest growth with 24.2%.

The forecasts for the Internet medium increase by 10.3% with a notable growth especially in the publications and blogs whose forecasts on their advertising investment could reach 7.9 million euros, 11% more than just two months ago and almost 34% more than last January.

This trend is also transferred to the social media and networks for which, the investment forecasts estimate reach 16.5 million euros, which is 19% more than the investment registered two years ago and 72% more in relation to the last month of January.

Forecasts for online video advertising also indicate an increase in investment estimated to reach 11.1 million euros, compared to 9.4 million euros two months ago.

For the mobile sector, the advertising investment would also experience a new increase in its advertising investment, which according to the study is estimated at 11.5%.

In the rest of the media, experts predict that the investment will experience new falls, especially in newspapers (-8.3%), magazines (-9.3%), free newspapers (-12%), supplements (-7, 9%) and billboards or outdoor advertising (-3.4%).