6 June 2017

The 20 best freshwater aquarium fish for a beginner


Freshwater aquarium fish for beginner

Freshwater aquarium fish There is a wide variety of freshwater fish to choose from when you are building and inhabiting an aquarium; Depending on the size and equipment installed some fish will adapt better than others.

For example, there are freshwater aquarium fish that can not live in an aquarium too small, and oddly enough, some can not be alone in a large aquarium.

It is impossible to make an objective classification of better or worse between the different species of fish, since in each one of them has its own function and beauty in an aquarium, in addition to that it is very important to have a balanced ecosystem. Anyway, here we present the 20 fish that we think best for a freshwater aquarium.

In this article from http://aquariumfishblog.com, we explain how to take care of your aquarium, aquarium fish, aquarium plants and aquarium fish diseases.

The 20 best freshwater fish for your aquarium

You can use this list to find new fish for your freshwater aquarium or to start a new aquarium. You should keep in mind that not all species are compatible with each other, so it is important that you check with the pet store before making your purchase.

Killi fish:

These fish are very versatile and can live in many different types of waters. Also, these fish have no problem to live with other animals, and most predators will ignore them. With a great variety of colors, these fish are perfect to give a vitality to your aquarium.

Tang fish:

These fish are small and colorful. These fish are ideal to keep company with other larger fish. Besides these fish are very resistant, as long as they do not undergo sudden changes you will be able to survive in almost any type of water.


These aquarium fish are quite large (more than 12 cm) and are usually of various colors. These fish do not usually have problems of coexistence with others thanks to their independent character and little combative and are ideal for large and medium aquariums.


These fish will be almost all the time in the bottom of the aquarium looking for food remains between the grit. These fish are essential for a medium or large fish tank, as it will help keep it clean. There is a large number of catfish, so no matter what type of aquarium you have, you will find a catfish that can live in your fish tank.


These, like catfish, will live a large part of their life in the bottom of the tank and will perform the same functions as the catfish, but these smaller ones and require less care are ideal for small aquariums. Another point in the Calícidas is the adaptability. These fish will adapt to all types of waters, and habitats.


These fish are omnivorous and will feed on the roe of other fish, and even offspring. If you are not careful, it is possible for a fish tank with a pair of Cichlids to completely “conquer” the fish tank, since these fish, unlike others, defend their eggs and their offspring. You can control the population of these fish with the temperature of the water because if it is very cold or very hot the female will not be able to ovulate. This varies according to the breed of the fish, so it is important to do your homework before adding these fish to your aquarium.

Koi fish:

These freshwater fish are the most common in the world. You can find a tent for any freshwater aquarium. Being such a versatile and common species, they have developed great resistance and there is no particular rule for the species.

Algae eater:

Algae eater fish have a special organ that they use to adhere to rocks and algae. These fish will adhere to the walls of the fish tank and will keep them, more or less, clean. Algae fish are essential in a medium or large fish tank, as they will help keep the aquarium clean and reduce the time it takes to maintain it.


As the name indicates these fish are “kissed” to keep showing their hierarchy. Unlike other species with this habit, these are not violent and have no problem living with other species or other members of their species. These fish, with proper care, can grow more than 25cm, but this requires a lot of work and effort. Normally, without this care, the Gourami will grow about 10cm.

Tiger Barb:

These fish are very easy to maintain. They require almost no particular care and can live in almost any environment. These fish have one big problem: they are very territorial, and they may be aggressive with other fish. This makes it difficult to mount an aquarium with these freshwater fish, but it is not impossible. If you have a big rock with a place to hide, the Tiger Barb will occupy it and if other fish do not disturb it, it will not cause problems.


Toxoids will live in the highest part of your aquarium and will try to catch insects that fly above the water. They will do this by spitting a trickle of water on hold with the help of a special organ they have. Usually, these fish will not cause problems in the aquarium and will ignore other fish.

Globe fish/ Balloon Fish:

Surely you are familiar with Fugu, the “most poisonous fish in the world.” This does not mean that your relatives are just as dangerous. There is a variety of balloon fish that you can have in your freshwater aquarium without any problems. They are not usually aggressive and can coexist with other peaceful species, but before adding one of these fish to your aquarium check in your store, since these fish are very diverse and it is difficult to know exactly their reaction to the new environments.

Silver Dollar:

This species of fish has a bad reputation since the piranhas are part of this species, but usually, these fish are peaceful. The vast majority of these freshwater aquarium fish are herbivores and fish that are not, as long as they are well fed, will not cause problems. This species of fish is very varied, and have adapted to almost all means.


These fish are usually small, and the males are very colorful. They are ideal for giving a touch of color to an aquarium of Aguadulce! Like your distant relatives, these do not require special care of any kind. But if you want males to have brighter colors, you will need to have the water a little warmer than normal. Remember that if you do this you will be altering the entire ecosystem!

Rainbow fish:

As the name indicates these fish are multi-color, this is thanks to their large reflecting scales. These fish do not require any particular care, and with the correct light, they are quite a spectacle.

Yellow Perch fish:

These fish are accustomed to living in very low oxygen and stagnant environments, making this species a fish much more resistant to other species of colors. These fish are perfect for beginners, as they are pretty and hard. If you can not keep one of these fish alive you are doing something wrong.

Angel fish:

These fish are social, and require having several companions of the same species to live, or if they will not suffer stress. These fish are very peaceful and if they feel intimidated it is possible that, due to the stress that we discussed, they modify their natural behavior and stop eating or moving and end up having a short life.

Bala shark/Silver shark:

These fish are distant families of carp, and as these usually adapt easily to new environments. One of the main differences between these fish and carp are their skeletal structure and the type of scales that cover their body. Which is smaller than normal and usually has “slices” of unique colors.

 Ax Fish:

The name of these fish is given by a characteristic ax blade shape. These fish will live on top of your aquarium. Many of these fish require some special care, and it is possible. These fish are the most difficult freshwater fish to maintain.

Labeo fish:

The main characteristic of these fish is their grated tail. These fish are intelligent, to be fish. Like carp, this species of freshwater aquarium fish is very large and has members that have adapted to almost all possible habitats. If a labeo fish has space and a good diet, it is possible that it grows more than 30cm.


We hope this list has been helpful to you if you are thinking of creating a freshwater aquarium fish tank. If you would like us to add some more species or want to tell us your experience. So please leave a comment, we will be glad to answer. If you liked our work please share it on social networks and we will continue to add lists like this. You can see more articles like this in our freshwater aquarium fish section.