2 February 2018

Twitter: From conversation to Tweets programming


If something is characterized by the work related to Social Media, whatever it may be but especially that of Community Manager, it is because of the interdisciplinarity and the need to carry out in a same period of time, that is, a day, a large amount of tasks.

We often find that before the variety of tasks and the impossibility of relegating any of them, there is no material time to complete them all, but, fortunately, there are many tools that can help us fulfill our obligations in a simpler way.

There are tools to cover the most diverse needs: to manage email and mailing lists, for SEO, to perform analytics, for blogs, to monitor … but, undoubtedly, one of the most used are those that allow us to manage our Twitter accounts.

Managing Twitter accounts, especially if we have more than one account, can be a bit laborious, so it is not superfluous to have an ally to facilitate the task and thus be attentive to other things. These tools allow us to schedule the sending of messages to Twitter and other social networks, if we have it configured in this way, at the time that is most convenient for us. Any manager of social networks, such as Hootsuite, Buffer, Seesmic or Twitdeck is worth to us for this purpose.

But, as in everything, we find detractors of this practice, professionals who do not like the idea, or do not like it, to program tweets and ignore it, arguing that it is not personal, that the programming of tweets turns us into robots that simply send updates without any criteria and breaks the fundamental essence of Twitter, and in general, of all social networks, interaction and dialogue.

But is it really like that? Does the conversation really break?

Everything will depend on how we use our tools. A good use of these managers will help us to be on Twitter throughout the day without having to be stuck to the screen of the microblogging network, allowing us to focus our attention on other aspects necessary when performing our professional tasks.

But beware, the fact of programming tweets does not imply that we establish when we want them to leave and forget us. We must not lose sight of the fact that a message on Twitter, in addition to sharing relevant information with our audience, seeks to generate a conversation, so we must remain alert in case a user speaks, comments on any of the tweets we have sent, or simply , we make some mention, we must answer as quickly as possible.

The fact of programming messages does not mean that we become spammers, or robots that send messages to timelines and do not answer. The use of this tool should be a way to create conversations, but as long as we are attentive to our audience for whatever they need.

A global schedule

The Internet lives in continuous operation. No stops, no delays or breaks in days of 24 hours during the seven days of the week. This means that, somewhere in the world, there will be millions of people connected to the network in search of information.

That is why, for example, many media outlets already use Twitter as another resource within their global strategy that allows them, through the programming of tweets, to reach different audiences segmented by a time difference, thus generating a greater return, coverage and impact of your information.

Schedule tweets for the weekend

Tweeting the weekends can give a strong boost to the broadcast campaign due to the beginning and end of the working day, and to the different types of audience that tweets the weekend in question and to which we can get thanks precisely to what is Weekend. That is why we are interested in disseminating content during these days or programming them through platforms such as TweetDeck, Hootsuite or other tools that, in addition to allowing us to program tweets for future moments, allow us to manage several different accounts, saving us time in the preparation of our content dissemination tasks.

Many of them are free and it will not take much effort to program the tweets for future days, so if you have not realized the advantages of spreading content also during the weekend I challenge you to do a test by programming or tweeting for this weekend. Monotorize the data or make a brief report on the visits or clicks obtained days later and you will see the results. Good luck!