25 August 2018

Content and emotion to break the ice in the technology industry


In the technology industry, information is complex and abundant. But few companies simply break the ice before their audiences. “The time to communicate to communicate is over; the message should be attractive according to the audience and the objectives “, explains Karina Tajmar, CM Creative Marketing Services director. This European public relations agency (PR), with offices in Barcelona and Vienna, has managed to become a key player for companies in the technology sector in multiple languages. Among its ICT client portfolio are Flumotion, MásMóvil, Out There Media, Grupo Intercom – Infojobs and Atos Origin.

Transform innovation into a news

“More important than explaining the technical advances behind a new product, is explaining how it affects the return on investment and the benefits,” says Julia Atzesberger, marketing director of Flumotion. The technology of this company covers the entire value chain of online video and includes agreements with partners such as Telefónica and NTT Europe.

To convert this information into a news story, it is essential to create an appropriate strategy for each audience. “It does not matter how many hours you dedicate to a follower in a social network or a journalist in a media outlet: they only react to relevant content,” says Tajmar. With this CM Services dismantled the prejudice that it is very difficult for a communication agency to position an IT company in the mainstream media.

Tips for the technology industry

1. The message about technology must be understandable to the whole audience, technical or general, taking care of the language and terminology.

2. Prepare a glossary of technical terms that facilitate the diffusion of the message avoiding its distortion.

3. Not all social networks are the same: Facebook is ideal for communication to the consumer, while Twitter or LinkedIn are more oriented to the corporate sector and opinion leaders.

4. An account without content in a social network is as if it did not exist. Interaction with the community is as important as the content, through a follow-up of the discussion groups.

5. Business communication in social networks needs to have a common criterion to be coherent. If each manager issues different messages it will generate confusion about the services or the product.

6. The success cases are essential in the technological environment to demonstrate the benefits of the service or product. The clients of a company must be its main news providers.

7. Strengthening online actions allows the amortization of investment costs, such as virtual press conferences, live broadcasts, online seminars (webinars). This makes it possible to reach more people and places.

8. Certified training for the use of the product allows identifying relevant users who can recommend it to others.

9. Events continue to be an excellent tool to establish personal and direct contact with your customers.

10. The way of communicating must be related to its services: if a company is dedicated to exploiting online video, it should produce video news; If it is mobile telephony, it could communicate with its users through SMS messages, etc.