24 September 2017



What kind of tennis racket should I buy? This is a question that many tennis fans are asking about and that, in many cases, can be a real headache due to the wide offer of tennis rackets on the market. However, this is a decision of great importance and not only because an inadequate tennis racket can adversely affect the game, but also because it can facilitate the appearance of injuries.

When it comes to buying tennis rackets it is very important that you do not base your choice solely on aesthetic aspects, fashions or because it is the racket that your favorite player uses. It is necessary that you take into account other aspects such as the characteristics and composition of the racket, your type of game, your physical condition, etc.

If it is a question of buying tennis rackets for the first time, the criteria to be followed will be based more on aspects of the physical condition, age, stature, etc. However, in the purchase of the second and subsequent tennis rackets, the player already has a series of knowledge and references extracted from the previous racket that will help you in choosing the following.

In Deportescarlosmiguel.com we are committed to helping you find the products that best suit your needs. In these lines will try to know a little better some aspects to take into account when buying tennis rackets so that your decision to buy is as accurate as possible.

Features of tennis rackets

There are certain parameters in the tennis rackets (weight, sieve, balance) that determine which type of player is more convenient each racket. According to the combination of these parameters, the tennis rackets can be classified within a certain swing weight. The swing or stroke is the movement that each player makes when hitting the ball. Thus a professional player will have a long swing while a veteran or starting player will have it short. Therefore, for each player, there is a type of tennis rackets ideal depending on the swing you have.

The determining parameters are:

Weight: The heavier the tennis rackets, the more strength we will need to move them, and therefore a longer swing. Heavy tennis rackets generate more power, provide greater directional control and transmit less vibration. However, in return, they are less manageable. To realize all the advantages of a greater weight in the tennis rackets, the key will be to be able to maintain the speed and the amplitude of the swing although we increase the weight of the racket.

Sieve (Head Size): is the area of the striking surface. In tennis rackets they oscillate between 600 cm2 / 90 in2 and 780 cm2 / 122 in2. The rackets with a larger area also have a higher sweet spot so they allow a greater number of errors. In addition, tennis rackets with a larger frame area will have longer ropes that provide a softer beating as they are able to stretch more. This also provides greater power in the beating. However, a greater surface area of striking on tennis rackets can negatively influence the control.

Length: The standard length of tennis rackets is 68.5 cm. A longer length provides greater angular velocity at the impact site and this gives the ball greater power provided that when we are able to maintain the same swing speed as with a shorter racket. If we are unable to print the same swing speed, the head of the racket will travel more slowly and after the impact, the ball will slow down. On the other hand, longer tennis rackets provide more reach, so that you will reach a larger number of balls with the same effort. In return, that greater power may detract from the ability to control the ball. To this, we will add that the long tennis rackets are more difficult to move because the weight is further from the hand. In addition, long tennis rackets are less manageable which will deplete the capacity in the ball and in the blows close to the body that will be more complicated to return.

Pattern: This is the number of vertical and horizontal ropes that make up the sieve of tennis rackets. The pattern will be closed if the space between strings is small (there is a greater number of strings) and open if it is large (smaller number of strings). If the pattern is opened, the racquet will generate more power, will be able to transmit more effects to the ball and will provide a feeling of comfort to the player. However, the control will be greater in closed pattern rackets.

Balance: is determined by the distribution of weight in tennis rackets. If the equilibrium point is displaced towards the opposite end of the fist, the racquet is weighted head (head racket). Tennis rackets of this type generate more power because there is more mass near the impact zone. The presence of mass will also reduce the shock; transmit less vibration to the tennis player’s arm. But as a negative point, tennis racquet heads will be less manageable and provide less control. Balance, along with weight, conditions the inertia of tennis rackets. Two rackets can have the same swing weight despite having very different weights since the inertia can be compensated by the balance of the racket.

Rigidity: Rigid tennis rackets, in addition to power, give directional control. However, rigidity is a parameter that will increase the vibrations that the racket transmits to the player’s arm. Very flexible tennis rackets are less powerful since the frame tends to beat backward at the moment of impact but absorb better vibrations

Classification of tennis rackets according to the swing weight

Swing short and slow: light tennis rackets (240-260g), wide sieve (100-125 in2), high balance (32-36cm), wide profile and open pattern. This type of tennis rackets provides great power with very little effort. They are ideal for veteran players looking for maximum comfort. Usually, it is high-end racquets for the quality of the materials that compose them. In the following link, you can see the example of this type of tennis rackets.

Medium Swing: have intermediate parameters; Weight (260-295g), sieve (95-110 in2), balance (31-34cm), etc. They are the most used tennis rackets. Because of their great versatility, they adapt to a large number of players; Beginners, club players, competition in lower categories, etc. They can be of low, medium or high range depending on the materials that compose them. In the following link, you can see examples of this type of tennis rackets.

Swing long and fast: they are heavy tennis rackets (290-340g), small sieve (90-100in2), low balance (30-32cm) and narrow profile. They provide the power control and precision needed for the competition. They are usually medium and high-end tennis rackets. In the following link, you can see examples of this type of tennis rackets.

Classification of tennis rackets according to the range

Low Range: Tennis rackets are composed mainly of aluminum or fusions of this with other materials. Used by very casual players.

Mid-range: these tennis rackets are made of higher quality materials such as graphite and fibreglass. They are suitable for training players, club players, etc. Their prices oscillate between $60 and $130.

High range: what set this type of tennis rackets apart is the materials and technologies they use. They have composed of alloys of high-quality materials; Graphite, Titanium, Carbon, Kevlar, etc. They use the most advanced technologies developed by the main manufacturers of tennis rackets; Wilson, Babolat, Head, Prince, Tecnifibre, etc. These kinds of rackets are suitable for any player looking for the highest performance. There are high-end tennis rackets for short, medium and long swing. Their prices oscillate between $130 and $270.

If after these explanations you are still not clear which tennis racket to buy, you can contact us and we will be happy to help you find your ideal tennis racket. Remember that when buying tennis rackets it is advisable to always do it to specialized stores where they can advise you professionally.