7 December 2018

How to take advantage of online reputation in the “off” world


We talk about the companies and we do it from its side more linked to the integration of the work teams and the interference of these in the offline reputation of the brands.

Failures in products and / or after-sales service, errors in deadlines, undue charges, are essentially the main reasons for the adverse comments that are generated around the companies.

It is more than evident that the influence of this on the success or failure of our strategies is total. Can we imagine the specific weight that a group of clients acquires praising or criticizing a brand?

There are as many answers as there are users. Some currents of opinion focused on a reputation management from the positive, canceling out any hint of criticism and exalting the strengths of the company and its satisfied customers.

However, time has finally shown that the proper management of the reputation, acquires its maximum efficiency when a company proves to be able to solve a crisis.

There is no doubt that social networks have provided us with the possibility of preventing crises, but also give us the possibility of doing a good management of these that ultimately benefits the reputation that our company has in the offline world.

Preventing a crisis at the present time is only possible through monitoring what happens in the networks. A good analysis will allow us not only to identify new tastes and interests, but also to identify the first sources of discontent and / or attention calls about our actions.

Two fundamental aspects in reputation management emerge from the social outbreak; the ability to test the opinion of our target audience before launching a new product or campaign and obtain a feedback so complete that allows us to perform the most appropriate actions for our objectives.

The opinions that are generated in the online world determine our offline reputation which is finally the one that shows the efficiency of our actions, the quality of our goods and / or services and finally, our corporate image.

But … how do we take advantage of our online reputation in the offline world?

Let’s be fast Recall that the Internet is a very emphatic but very impersonal, the speed with which the company faces a serious and committed response, is crucial to stop the discomfort of our customers.

Let’s say the truth, if we have made a mistake we have to accept it, offer a reward and commit ourselves not to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Fulfill all the above is crucial to build trust in our company.

We use direct communication channels, although a public response is recommended – in terms of reputation management and corporate image – it must be personalized and directly delivered to the customer who is opposed.

Ensuring that what we say (strategies in social networks) is consistent with what we are (team integration, quality products, efficient customer service), is that we take advantage of the advantages and exposure that networks give us, in managing adequately the corporate image of our company.

Delivering after a defective product refers to an error of the company in the world “off”, the maelstrom of adverse comments that will be generated and propagated in social media by affected customers, is a matter of the management of online reputation …

… If we do the process in reverse, we can conclude that actions on social networks (if they are committed) enhance the unlimited growth of the reputation in the real world of our company.