Author: ruiiid5

5 January 2021

Resisting working from home

You may well have been able to resist this for quite some time. Home Working is not for everybody but unfortunately the current situation has meant that more and more of us are going to have to face up to the reality that this might be our working lives from now on. |Until offices are able to be completely socially distant it will be safer […]

2 December 2020

Make Sure that your Small Business is Complying with Legal Requirements

For many people it is a dream to run a business of their own. The appeal of being able to be your own boss, be responsible for your own success and put all of your ideas into place, whilst making money along the way is a huge appeal. But it can also be incredibly stressful. Particularly during these uncertain times, it can be difficult for […]

25 November 2020

How to Create an Efficient Reception Area

When you’re making your business run efficiently and affordably, one of the best ways to do it is to make sure that your reception area has all the amenities that people are looking for when they visit. You want your clients to feel that they can relax when they visit your business and that you’re a place that welcomes them. You also want to have […]

25 November 2020

Online and Offline branding considerations

While most small business owners and freelancers do not believe themselves to have ‘brands’ and to participate in public relations, the truth is that there is a brand in any company. It would be fair to even say that every person has a brand. If you sell a product or service, then your brand is what people think of you when they hear your name, […]

23 November 2020

How to Make a Success of Your Financial Business

The first step to making a success of your financial business is understanding the dynamics of the market. It is imperative to know what your target customers are looking for before venturing out on a financial venture. You can gain information by going to various seminars, attending meetings in your locality or simply speaking to people who have been through the process. There are a […]

10 November 2020

Mens Winter Hats – What Style is Best for You?

Winter is fast approaching and that means that we are looking for warmer clothes to see us through the chilly season whilst staying in style, such as this Farah Menswear from EJ Menswear. One of the most important parts of a winter outfit is a hat. Here are some of the best hat styles to see you through winter looking great and with a warm […]

3 November 2020

PTFE Coating: Working and Uses

PTFE coatings are fluorocarbon solids that provide resistance against highly corrosive chemicals, extremely high and low temperatures, and ultraviolet rays. They are a good insulator for electricity and water resistors. Working of PTFE coating: PTFE coating has numerous applications because of its unique and highly demanded characteristics. PTFE coating is non-sticky, non-friction, and dielectric due to its composition. It is purely made up of a […]

2 November 2020

Keeping your employees safe at work

Being a business owner comes with a lot of responsibilities and one that is not to be taken lightly is your responsibility to keep your employees and visitors to your building safe. There are many ways in which this needs to be done and the Health and Safety Executive or HSE can give you guidance on the policies and practices that you need to be […]

2 November 2020

How metal bending built the Titanic and other great liners

There aren’t many people in the world who are not aware of the tale of the ill fated Titanic. This was the supposedly unsinkable ship (it was fitted with a great many bulkheads and watertight compartments designed to stop this from happening). However the collision with a huge iceberg ripping its sides open soon put paid to this and the ship sank. It was built […]

28 October 2020

Co to jest obróbka cieplno-chemiczna?

Jednym z przykładów procesów specjalnych jest obróbka cieplno-chemiczna. Może być ona jednorazowym zabiegiem lub zbiorem kilku działań. Celem obróbki cieplno-chemicznej jest otrzymanie w powłoce wierzchniej obrabianego materiału właściwości odmiennych od własności rdzenia na skutek działania temperatury, czasu i środowiska technologicznego. Fotografia   Proces obróbki cieplno-chemicznej Proces ten rozpoczyna ogrzewanie przedmiotu w odpowiedniej temperaturze w środowisku aktywnym chemicznie, w którym jest możliwe nasycanie warstwy wierzchniej określonymi […]