18 November 2023

Be Safe When Driving in Winter Weather Conditions

By ruiiid5

To make sure that you are safe on the road you need to check that your car is well maintained, and also ensure that you book it in for an MOT with a qualified mechanic like this MOT Gloucester based company https://www.123carandcommercial.com/gloucester-mots when it is due.

During the winter, there are lots of driving conditions that can make driving more dangerous than usual, and it is important that you are aware of what to do when you are driving in these conditions.

Here are some of the common winter driving conditions that you need to be aware of…

Low Sun – The sun sets much earlier and rises much later during the winter, and this can make visibility very difficult. To help you, make sure that your windscreen is cleaned regularly to reduce the reflection of the sun on the dirt there, and also that you have a good pair of polarised sunglasses in the car.

Wind – The wind can be strong in the winter and powerful gusts of wind can move your vehicle off course. As well as being careful about driving your own vehicle in windy weather you also need to be aware of other vehicles that can affect you – cyclists are a road user that you need to be particularly aware of in high winds, as they can easily be blown into the road.

Fog – Fog can make driving very dangerous as it reduces visibility. When driving in misty and foggy weather, drive more slowly as you will not have as long to react, and when you have visibility of less than 100 metres, use dipped headlights and fog lights.