27 January 2025

What is an acquired brain injury?

By ruiiid5

An acquired brain injury, or an ABI, can result from illnesses or accidents that people encounter in life. They are the opposite of congenital injuries, which mean injuries present from birth.

Traumatic vs non-traumatic

The key distinction for ABIs is whether the injury sustained is traumatic or not. A traumatic brain injury, or a TBI, is the result of direct impacts to the head, such as a fall or blunt force.

A non-traumatic brain injury, on the other hand, can develop from diseases such as meningitis, or it can happen as a result of a brain tumour.

TBIs are often external forces, whereas non-TBIs are internal, caused from happenings inside your body, like a lack of oxygen or a stroke.

Children and adults

People often wonder whether ABIs differ depending on whether a child or adult develops them. Children are obviously in development, and so an injury to their brain before it’s finished forming can be especially damaging.

Research suggests the brain continues to develop far into our twenties and beyond. This means key development can be missed out on, even if you’re older.

For children, ABIs may not be noticed until key stages of development, where the damaged part of the brain is needed. Decision-making in the frontal lobe, for example, is expected to develop early on, but issues may not be apparent until a child is 12, when these skills are more important. This is why ABIs are often referred to as the hidden disability.

Common symptoms and effects

Most of the symptoms are what you’d expect, with memory, concentration, learning, and processing all being more difficult with a brain injury.

People with ABIs are also more susceptible to anxiety and depression, which can be even more difficult when compounded by other symptoms. You can find mental health training courses Blackpool, such as https://www.tidaltraining.co.uk/mental-health-training-courses/blackpool, if you want to learn more about helping people suffering with these problems.

Mental issues aren’t the only signs to look out for, as fatigue, weakness, or general difficulties with moving, getting around, and performing tasks are also present.