8 December 2016

In 2014 80% of companies invest in Content Marketing


Every month more and more companies begin to become aware of the need to create Content Marketing strategies for their brands. Thus, according to data compiled by the Custom Content Council (CCC) in collaboration with Content wise between late 2013 and early 2014 80% of organizations already invest in such actions.

To do this they will be in the need to outsource the services of a company Content Marketing; looking especially having brand presence in digital media, among which social networks. All this is clear from the data provided by CCC and Contentwise, where it is revealed that between 66% and 75% of the generated content is intended to Social media shares.

As for the budget it intended talking about an estimated 371,364 dollars a year to 1,725,736 individual level and at total level for hiring Content Marketing services mentioned investment.

One of the growth that is striking is the estimate of investment in Branded Content, which is expected to have a growth of 38% (according to the same study). In addition, other services such as Social Media, Public Relations or online advertising also appear reflected.

The rise in the Branded Content is promoted largely by three factors: the profits generated by providing more information on the supply, the fact that these actions cause a high degree of consumer loyalty towards it (Engagement) and the undoubted increase in sales is achieved by introducing the product in the customer’s life, creating in him a sense of belonging and sympathy for the brand.

The importance of creating quality content

Continuing with the statistics, it should be noted that 70% of consumers made an intensive search on the company and products through the web, before reaching the purchasing behavior (according to data of the State of Content Marketing 2013 created by e-interactive). Having Google on “palm” (thanks to Internet access via smartphones and tablet PCs) will only make the figure mentioned to continue to rise.

The strong bet will then place your trust in a company of Content Marketing to guide you when to add value to your offer, through specialized and relevant to the specific audience content.

The trend of Content Marketing at Google

Complementing the information mentioned  market research  of Custom Content Council, we can see the trend that occurs in areas related to the term “Content Marketing” over and width of the web searches.

The figures speak for themselves: this technique has become the  star of modern marketing, as it is what best conforms to the new digital communication tools, enabling companies to meet the key success factors when have web presence:  SEO, Quality, Virality.

Benefits by hiring an agency of Content Marketing

What benefits can provide a company Content Marketing your organization? Basically (and in a nutshell): know-how, success stories and significant cost reduction (in case you were thinking of putting together your own area Content Marketing).

Marketing strategies content can (and should) be applied to any company, in any industry, whether if it is a B2B or B2C market, or if your company is a virtual store, a digital medium or an enterprise / organization.