Mobile devices become the new inbox internet users
The open rate of emails on mobile devices reached a record high and is made with 47% market share, almost double what it meant just one year ago. Its upward trend seems unstoppable and forecasts indicate that by the end of the year, more than half of email openings will be in mobile, according to the firm Litmus, reaching a rate of 53%.
In the past year, the trend of opening email on desktop and webmail has been declining and only recorded 32% and 21% respectively.
The important thing now is that email marketing departments will draw the appropriate conclusions and able to adapt to the trend. Send hundreds and thousands of emails that are not optimized for viewing on the screen a mobile or tablet, will spoil most mailing lists, and will not be only a few.Rates CTR (Click Trough Rate) are revealing: mobile only clicked on the message by 11% compared to 23% who did so when consulted mail from your computer. When the message has been designed for larger screen viewing on a mobile device already it is complicated, much more so is click on any of its links. All previous efforts to properly segment and optimize our database and prevent us mailers detected as spam, have been in vain.
The more adapted is the design and writing the email to the device from which will be consulted, best results are obtained in email marketing campaigns. If the solution has to be the resposive design will depend on the judgment of those responsible for the campaign, depending on your audience and objectives, but is emerging as one of the most versatile ways to adapt the content to the place and time when is consulted.
For operating systems, the ranking Litmus Email Client Market Share shows that last August, the iPhone still dominate with 24% of openings email (more than half of those made from mobile) and Android has dropped from third to fourth place with 9% of total starts, 20% if we refer only to the email marketing of mobile devices.