7 February 2016

Reasons why a customer would object to the price


An objection is a natural defense mechanism of the customer to be sure you’re making the right decision or to attempt to obtain the best possible conditions. The fact that a customer objects to the price does not mean that the price itself is the obstacle; it is the relationship between price and perceived value which does not make much sense.

A potential customer will mobilize only buy when you removed all the objections that inhibit him from taking the next step. Independent that doubts are founded or not, remember that perception is reality and become immobilized obstacles.

The problem with thinking that all that matters to customers is the price, the seller tries harder to try to convince him that it is not expensive, in line with any questions that the client, knowing that not all have to do with the price.

Reasons why a customer would object to the price

These are the reasons why a client object to the price, so you should recognize in advance and provide the information necessary to ensure that the correct arguments offered, helping to mobilize towards the purchase. Depending on how long it takes in the market and the level of brand recognition, some objections are more likely than others.

He has not understood its differential – This is the main cause of objections. When the customer does not perceive a difference, you decide by price. In other words, I do not understand why they should pay more for your product or service, when “apparently” more economic options look very similar. Remember that the problem is not cost more but the client does not understand why. The most important question that every brand should respond to a customer is: Why should I buy from you instead of your competition? Once you are clear about what differentiates it from others, please do so at all points of contact in a consistent and coherent.

Poor perception of value – in other words, you think your product / service does not cost that is charging you. Remember that there are expensive or cheap products, but the unbalanced perception of customer value. It may be wonderful, but the customer is not seeing well. As we say colloquially, you need “cackle eggs”, demonstrate its benefits and put them in context against other alternatives on the market.

Not appreciate its benefits – For those who do not appreciate its benefits, no matter how much you lower the price, it will always seem expensive. In this case the problem is not your value proposition; it is the customer profile you are trying to sell. Not all are potential customers and some people do not appreciate their added value; in fact are not your target market. Remember that there is only one thing worse than not have customers, and have bad customers.  Stop chasing the wrong customer and focus on those who need and appreciate what you meet and how it solves.

No sized risks – The client has not identified the risks of working or buys cheaper options. Their differential and benefits have value only to the extent that the client recognizes what they represent. In other words, who has had or display you might have the consequences of buying cheaper options. What makes it more expensive are small details that have the great impact on the customer; however, to pay for them should appreciate enough and be aware of what you mean not to. Educate your prospects and make them easy to understand why your value proposition is not equal to the others. Tell the full story and put the competition in its place.

Not sure – Lack of security is not unique about whether you should buy what you are buying. Insecurity is also a lack of trust in the seller (the first thing that sells is the seller). For recognized brands or companies with long experience in the market, this is the extremely rare objection, because the customer knows that the company responds. However, for new brands (and are recognized abroad), security has to do with trust that the promises are real, that the company will continue to exist in the coming years, they will account for guarantees and will be true to their word. The problem is not price, it is trustworthy.

Not everyone wants to buy cheap

The fact that a customer objects to the price does not mean that this is really the obstacle to closing. It’s a defense mechanism because it is not sure whether you are taking the right decision. Your job is to help them understand the value that you, the risks of working with cheaper options and inform all the benefits. Not everyone wants to buy cheap.