Social Commerce Manager, a new profile enters the scene as a key figure in companies
The universalization of the internet and the implementation of Web 2.0 together with the popularization of social media and the growing evolution of social networks have led to the need to have a figure capable of managing among their ranks in recent years. these new channels, that is, a Community Manager and / or a Content Manager.
It is increasingly necessary and important to properly and efficiently conduct the image and digital reputation of companies, as well as new forms of contact with customers and users fostered by the evolution of the Network, so that these professional profiles have suffered a growing demand from companies. The knowledge and mastery of the social media possessed by the Community Manager and the Content Managers respond to the needs of the brands arising from the transformation of the media and the internet, and, consequently, they represent a satisfaction to the demands of the consumers.
In an online world in constant transformation, good communication management in this environment is of vital importance for companies. They must have the ability to generate relevant content and information, which transmits the values, personality and potential of their brand, and they must also be able to reach their target audiences; tasks for which the Content Manager and the Community Manager are responsible.
These are two figures that have emerged from the development and growth of the online world, but as we said, this world is constantly changing and evolving, so new needs and new profiles appear to respond to them, such as the Social Commerce Manager.
Currently, Social Commerce platforms, such as , are growing at a faster pace than traditional e-commerce solutions. In addition, according to Retail Touch Points, almost 50% of retailers already have a Social Commerce strategy in place, and 28% are planning or studying the possibility of including such strategy in their business model. For this reason, more and more companies will need and demand a professional who has the ability to manage and get the best out of this new channel, the Social Commerce Manager.
Thus, the current situation points to the explosion of this new figure, someone who possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to successfully lead the online community of a brand, connect directly with its members, speak their own language, etc. And that, at the same time, be able to manage the social sales channel of the brand. The role of the Social Commerce Manager is dual but joint: on the one hand he is responsible for the online community and the social store of a company; and on the other hand must combine these two elements so that they go hand in hand and feed each other. Its mission will be to generate the profitability of today, through an increase in sales, and that of tomorrow, actively collaborating in the construction and online evolution of the brand.