19 July 2016

Why companies seek employees with more social skills?


Being sociable is something that – much pain all shy – always trading higher. When you’re little, your parents push you to play with other children. At school, the hardest part is always the first day of school, when you do not know anyone. In addition, the challenges that sociability becomes a key factor continue to increase over the years. To continue, continue until the work environment. At work, to succeed, it is also important to know how to socialize. Or, as the Americans say, it is much better to be a people person, one of those people who always knows to be surrounded by other people.

Do you have a company that set by both the social skills of their workers? The question is not so much see what acquired (look for a job in the XXI century is not like courtship in the nineteenth century) but innate. Being extroverted is rewarded and promoted from the very first education.”The way in which education by its nature favors the extrovert it is to take the kids and put them in a large class, which usually creates an environment of high stimulation ” he explained to the Guardian Susan Cain, author of Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World That cannot Stop Talking. Introverts (not necessarily timid) prefer the limited stimuli.

And in the choice of workers to companies it costs them enough to go beyond some clichés, like the profiles are better input than others (a large part of society is indeed ambivertido, personality type halfway between introverted and extroverted Jung). In fact, the difference between being extroverted and introverted is being actually and from the point of view of some studies scientists, in the way that the brain needs recharging. Introverts prefer time alone and extroverts draw their energy from others. Neither better nor worse, but from the point of view of human resources the second option usually share price rise. Being communicative usually wins in the lists of what to look for in an employee.

In addition, no matter how simplistic the idea, the truth is that in some specific cases be extroverted is a plus and is a quality that makes the daily work easier. Being extroverted is a mainstay if looking for a professional who has to face every day to different challenges: studies of how the brain extroverts stress that need constant stimuli and new things all the time works to be motivated (and your brain to release dopamine). If an introvert will make you happy routine and allow you to feel comfortable, to an extrovert that actually will be more frustrating. The brain of extroverts also processed faster and easier way stimuli and works very well with the information that comes through the senses of smell, sight or touch.

At the end of the day, many of the skills expected of a good employee are extroverts are standard. “The skills of people going about how people interact with others, from a verbal and nonverbal perspective,” he explains to Forbes Teri Hockett, CEO of What’s For Work ?, a professional site, in an article on what companies They look for in their employees.”When we think about people skills, are words like personality, empathy and tone which we happen”. Good communication skills, be good at interpersonal relationships, patience, trust, empathy and know when to be flexible are some of the usual characteristics of a good employee.

Why you need a social and sociable employee?

For businesses, having a social and sociable employee makes it easier to develop some tasks. Beyond that such workers often work better in teamwork and are adapted to the office today and working structures (open spaces, enhancing teamwork, the need for public speaking and interacting with others) there are tasks that often fall into their hands better. In the world of advertising and communication, being extrovert is necessary.

Let’s start commercial charge of selling and buying advertising spaces are subject to constant interaction with other people and need to know how to interact with them and feel comfortable. On with the most creative profiles: they will be forced to break the routine every day and will always have to work together. It is no use a creative team in which each of its members is on his side. In the case of communication, extroverted makes things much easier: you have to throw to always talk to strangers and crowds usual are in there is to know act.

But in addition, the companies are now obliged to be sociable and social day . Consumers expect brands and companies to become their friends and communicate with them face to face. The relationship of brands with their customers has left the tangible and the occasional to become something daily and subjective, dominated by emotions and, ultimately, the same characteristics that they ask people to be sociable. And so, who better than an extrovert to take the course of how consumers see a brand they hope will be equally extrovert?

Also, there is the generational issue. In general, millennials are much more sociable and appreciate more these issues preceding generation. They do, for example, relationships at work, as illustrated by the study of Plantronics.

And likewise also productivity issues. Studies show that the most productive employees are those who pushed them very unhappy practices makes introverts? But they are very effective for extroverts, such asworking on large tables rather than in cubicles or separate tables. Social connections and large groups are what make entry to happier employees at work and, above all and from the point of view of the companies, more efficient and resourceful.

On the other hand, extroverts are more able to pass the first filter. They sold know and have no trouble convincing your potential in a job interview. If they can do it themselves, also they know do with the brand for which they work.

The new kingdom of introverts

Although, despite the outgoing workers are the most sought after in companies, in recent times there has also been a vindication of timidity (especially thanks to the book Quiet , which has acted as a catalyst of the power of introverts) . Being introverted is not bad, defend, and also presents certain advantages.

Introverts workers are better in relationships one-to-one, say some experts, and also in attention to detail. They are employees who prefer quiet work spaces and also those who take cover behind a headset to work. But the truth is that although its capabilities are many, may not be the best for the overwhelming world of advertising. The best professions for them, according FastCompany, are accounting, graphic designer, programmer, technical journalist, medical records technician or technical dentist.

In the case of brand management, introverts may have its golden age in the immediate future. Many of the new professional indispensable for the industry are profiles in which the qualities of introverts, such as attention to detail and analytical skills are required, as may be the case of the data scientist, analysts and futurists.

Anyway, the moment of absolute condemnation of introverted working in the field could have come to an end and given way to other types of personalities on blacklists of those responsible for human resources, such as narcissistic. A study put it in the spotlight: narcissists are very good for climbing to key positions in the company but when they get there are toxic.