15 September 2018

One in three SMEs and businesses will focus on Digital Marketing and Social Media

36% of small businesses plan to focus on the majority of resources based on online marketing and advertising this year, according to a FedEx Office survey developed in the United States. Another 35% will split equally their resources based on print advertising / traditional marketing, and online advertising this year. Only 16% will concentrate most of their resources on printed materials, and 13% will concentrate on […]

8 September 2018

Advertising investment in conventional media falls by 1%

According to the latest report developed by Infoadex, advertising investment in conventional media during the first quarter of 2011 has fallen by 1%, reaching 1,169.8 million dollars, compared to 1,181.2 million registered during the same period last year 2010.

25 August 2018

SMEs with online storefront increased 23% in the last year

Betting on electronic commerce means betting on the company. SMEs with online showcase increased 23% compared to the previous year, which represents an increase of two points over the total of Spanish SMEs. However, the latest data from SAGE indicate that only 9.1% of small and medium-sized national companies incorporate a virtual store in their portals.

25 August 2018

Content and emotion to break the ice in the technology industry

In the technology industry, information is complex and abundant. But few companies simply break the ice before their audiences. “The time to communicate to communicate is over; the message should be attractive according to the audience and the objectives “, explains Karina Tajmar, CM Creative Marketing Services director. This European public relations agency (PR), with offices in Barcelona and Vienna, has managed to become a key player for companies […]

17 August 2018

Coguan increases the quality of Ad Exchange’s advertising offer

Coguan, a technology company with the first Ad Exchange to offer a platform with an open and transparent market (marketplace) for online advertising, announced today that Coguan AdShare® has completed an exhaustive process of moderation of the offer of its thousands of media web to adapt to the quality control criteria for Ad Exchanges marked by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), and to become the […]

11 August 2018

Electronic commerce in the US will reach 279 billion dollars in sales

A forecast by Forrester Research states that, unless unforeseen expenses arise in the US, electronic commerce in that country will reach 278.9 billion dollars in 2015. This prediction is based on factors such as the country’s annual growth, which would reach 10% in that year, as well as the continuation of several trends such as increased use of the Internet by users, greater knowledge of […]

6 August 2018

Investments in online advertising will grow 25% in New Zealand

A 20% increase in online advertising spending. These are the data obtained by the Interactive Advertising Office, an industry body that awaits confirmation from the government agency, Advertising Standards Authority, in March. More than 257 million New Zealand dollars, almost 141 million dollars, has been the total spending of brands in online advertising, which places it above advertising investments for radio and print media.