Author: ruiiid5

21 October 2020

The best ways to get customers to your business

Getting customers to your business and in front of your products and services is the best way to ensure that you have a thriving and successful business. Without customers you essentially have a really expensive hobby. There are a number of different ways in which you can attract customers to your business and a Marketing Strategy Consultant can help you to identify which ones are […]

21 October 2020

A Guide to Starting your Own Bed and Breakfast in Devon

Devon is a favourite holiday location for so many people – happy childhood memories of summers spent by the seaside and fun in the local pubs are ready to be made in this beautiful part of the country.   Many families visit the area especially in the height of summer and there is plenty to do – from asking what are the shops in Honiton […]

20 October 2020

Why wood is great for commercial buildings

When it comes to commercial and industrial buildings that need to stand the test of time, wood has proven it has the necessary resilience and durability, to offer certain benefits over concrete or steel. In the retail and office space, wood not only offers exceptional durability, but introduces a more aesthetic warmth, often missing from the work environment. Further benefits include: Cost-effectiveness Construction data show […]

20 October 2020

How to have better money habits

The toughest part of saving money is getting started. It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated if you create a simple strategy to save for both short term and long term goals. Note down your expenses Keeping track of what you spend your money on each month is a really useful exercise. That includes everything, from coffee to energy bills. Once you have the […]

19 October 2020

Web Development and Web Design – What’s the Difference?

When it’s time to give your website a make-over, how can you know whether you need a developer or designer? Both terms are commonly used and this can cause some confusion. Design is the name most commonly used by people in the industry, but it includes a large number of skills, only one associated with the visual elements. Here the goal is to clear up […]

19 October 2020

What do we use rubber for?

What a material can be used for is determined by its chemical and physical properties. Just by looking at rubber, you can probably make some very good guesses about what applications it could be used for. It is clear that rubber is tough, stretchy, flexible and waterproof. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that rubber is used for waterproof shoes and clothing and adhesives. Most […]

22 September 2020

What is a domain name generator?

Choosing and purchasing the name for your website is a vital step in creating your new website. A name generator is an online service which finds options for names to use for your website. It’s a good idea to have a website name which includes your business name or reflects your branding. Image Credit A domain can only be used by a single website, so […]

13 June 2016

How to Improve Home Security

Everyone should feel safe in their own home. It is important that our homes contain the necessary precautions and preventions in order to ensure the continuous safety of both our homes and everyone (and everything) inside. Here are a few easy ways that you can increase and improve your home security: Doors and Windows Before fitting extra locks in doors, it is important to ensure […]

20 November 2015

Organic Ingredients Are for Life, Not Just the Kitchen

We all know how important organic food is for us and for our planet. Producing and eating healthy seasonal ingredients that have not been sprayed with pesticides or pumped full of chemicals is a more natural way to eat, better for our environment and great for our health. That’s why the best chefs only use fresh, seasonal, organic ingredients. Image Credit Why Organic? Eating out […]

20 November 2015

Ladies’ Jeans through the Ages

The history of womens jeans began in the 1850’s during the Californian Gold Rush. Levi Strauss, an immigrant and pedlar from Bavaria arrived in North America at the height of the Rush to hawk his wares. He was asked by miners to procure sturdy, durable work pants so he collaborated with a tailor and created the first pair of Levis from the canvas material he’d […]