26 February 2018

5 ways to finance a small business

Securing financing for your business can be challenging regardless of the prevailing economic climate, so in these uncertain times, it can be difficult indeed. However, there are some useful techniques that can help, five of which are listed below. Image Credit Start up loan If you’ve been trading for less than 24 months, you could qualify for the government-backed start up loan scheme. This is […]

23 February 2018

The future of e-mail marketing

It is difficult to specify how many times e-mail marketing has been “killed” in recent years. Since the chat IRC appeared and everyone predicted that the world of e-mail had died, until the appearance of social networks that said that this would end communication in this way; Not to mention the mobiles and even the SMS. The reality is that the e-mail has never died, but in fact, […]

22 February 2018

Mobile Marketing Evolution or Revolution?

72% of users access the Internet from smartphones and tablets, an opportunity for companies and advertising The apogee of smartphones and tables has caused an online communication strategy is not complete until an advertising action on the devices is developed mobile The rise of this type of advertising has been growing in recent years in parallel with the increase in people with access to the Internet […]

16 February 2018

Social Gaming A phenomenon of fashion or marketing revolution?

All users of social networks have faced at one time or another, throughout their digital lives, the concept of Social Gaming . In fact, who did not receive an invitation on Facebook for Farmville, La Granja, Castleville, Mafia Wars or another similar application? Who has not downloaded a game application on their mobile in which you could play both offline and online? We all have more or less the […]

16 February 2018

Getting the most out of a conference

Conferences offer great opportunities to develop your professional skills and advance your career. As well as learning and hearing from inspirational speakers, conferences offer the perfect opportunity to network and meet others in a similar field. It can be a little overwhelming to take everything in, so here are some handy tips on how to get the most out of a conference: Reconnect Conferences are […]

15 February 2018

Could social networks put blogs in danger of existence?

Before the “boom” of social networks began, companies began to launch blogs to try to attract their customers by offering different content. Until not long ago having a corporate blog implied a responsibility and commitment on the part of the company and also an interest in offering relevant content that valued especially the users. But it seems that companies no longer see it this way despite the […]

11 February 2018

Prevention is better than cure: How to get ahead of an online reputation crisis

The image of a brand is possibly one of its most valuable treasures and its reputation on the net as well. For this reason, it is necessary for the brand to care for and imitate the image that others have of it in social media and on the internet, as we all know the possible repercussions and damages that a reputation crisis can bring. Crises can […]

10 February 2018

The Importance of ‘Content Healing’ for the Community Manager

The Community Manager is, par excellence, the professional profile within the world that more tasks must be done within a company, such as writing content and viralize them, as well as being aware of the mails and messages that come from the audience and answer them, or what is the same, must perform the work of customer service. But, in all that you have to […]

2 February 2018

Twitter: From conversation to Tweets programming

If something is characterized by the work related to Social Media, whatever it may be but especially that of Community Manager, it is because of the interdisciplinarity and the need to carry out in a same period of time, that is, a day, a large amount of tasks. We often find that before the variety of tasks and the impossibility of relegating any of them, […]