23 May 2016

8 Tests A / B essential to your online marketing strategy

If you look in my blog tab “Who am I”, below is a phrase where you will read the following: “It acts fast, test, measure, edit, repeats and optimizes Internet is your big test lab.” This phrase summarizes what is for my online marketing strategies: You need to constantly tests. Act fast because everything is going online faster. Make smart decisions with data in hand […]

16 May 2016

10 phrases that will ruin your chances of getting investors

For an entrepreneur who has prepared for months (some are mature for years) a project, when an investor presentation to be tense. You can lose focus of what investors want to see in a presentation: 1- That your project is invertible and scalable: there are going to assume that they can earn good money by investing in your startup 2- You’ve done your homework: the […]

13 May 2016

How to successfully pass through the 5 levels of an entrepreneur

Marketing people often we “fill the mouth” talking about buying cycles of potential customers. It is nothing that phases or stages that follow a user from that generates a new need until it comes to action curious thing about all this is that it can happen one day suddenly, raise your eyes and think. “I need something else in my life.” That “something” may be […]

30 April 2016

6 Keys to convince your first investor

This is one of the main obsessions of many entrepreneurs, how to convince a first inverter and having adequate capital to grow the business in question apace. Having talked to many entrepreneurs, investors, venture capital funds and accelerators are some common points to take into account. But before getting down there are certain premises to note: – For the investor, present what they present, you […]

29 April 2016

How to protect your website SEO negative

If we make a football metaphor on this issue we agree that to play well to this (SEO / SEO), not only better attack and take positive actions for a good search engine positioning but also must have a set eye on to properly defend the attacks do not end with a “goal”. Leaving a little football on the sidelines, we can develop a good […]

25 April 2016

How to survive the “black day” of an entrepreneur

Passion, energy, positivity and enthusiasm. These are usually the terms that define the mood of an entrepreneur in the planning stages of a project. We tend to be specialists in some things that I will sound: – Sell the “super-firm” to your closest circle – Set the typical within “a year old” to start making real money and be in a comfortable position – Predict […]

23 April 2016

SEO Strategy: How to choose the precise keywords to generate sales

Always before starting your SEO strategy, first it comes well analyze some “previous notions important for search engine optimization” to avoid some practices that can harm you. Seeing this, one of the first steps and practically the most important is the choice of the keywords you want to promote as this point is where all your SEO strategy pivots for: – Develop texts appropriate to […]

18 April 2016

The key to becoming a successful serial entrepreneur

Once started the New Year may your head take a walk with desires, goals and future visions of what you want I see become the next few years. The figure of the serial entrepreneur success is desired in many cases because: Symbolizes success repeatedin different projects Symbolizesthe power to adapt and succeed in different scenarios Symbolizes theknow how to build business models that work for its founder, not […]

14 April 2016

Need inspiration? 5 Effective Ways to be more creative

From my point of view, almost all have to reach minimum capacity for learning. At the end of the day it is to store, process and use a range of data and experience that we have read or have told us. All this is a natural and ordinary act: understand-digest-apply. And that the vast majority are given great but my friend, you will need something […]

7 April 2016

6 Strategies put in practice to get customers safe online

When you start with an online project what can happen is you do not have experience in digital marketing and go giving “flying blind” to find the formula that will be profitable. The most important thing is to find what works for you but have lost valuable time and money. Each project is different and in this article will not delve into the exact and specific techniques […]