Author: ruiiid5

22 September 2020

What is a domain name generator?

Choosing and purchasing the name for your website is a vital step in creating your new website. A name generator is an online service which finds options for names to use for your website. It’s a good idea to have a website name which includes your business name or reflects your branding. Image Credit A domain can only be used by a single website, so […]

13 June 2016

How to Improve Home Security

Everyone should feel safe in their own home. It is important that our homes contain the necessary precautions and preventions in order to ensure the continuous safety of both our homes and everyone (and everything) inside. Here are a few easy ways that you can increase and improve your home security: Doors and Windows Before fitting extra locks in doors, it is important to ensure […]

20 November 2015

Organic Ingredients Are for Life, Not Just the Kitchen

We all know how important organic food is for us and for our planet. Producing and eating healthy seasonal ingredients that have not been sprayed with pesticides or pumped full of chemicals is a more natural way to eat, better for our environment and great for our health. That’s why the best chefs only use fresh, seasonal, organic ingredients. Image Credit Why Organic? Eating out […]

20 November 2015

Ladies’ Jeans through the Ages

The history of womens jeans began in the 1850’s during the Californian Gold Rush. Levi Strauss, an immigrant and pedlar from Bavaria arrived in North America at the height of the Rush to hawk his wares. He was asked by miners to procure sturdy, durable work pants so he collaborated with a tailor and created the first pair of Levis from the canvas material he’d […]

19 November 2015

Key Reasons behind Prototypes

When designing and engineering new products it’s essential to create an initial prototype, in order to iron out any issues before the final item is manufactured. This might add to the lead time and cost, but it’s a crucial element that shouldn’t be ignored. The use of a company that specialises in precision engineering in Sussex or elsewhere to manufacture your prototype can help in […]

17 November 2015

Software testing drives out bugs fast

Software testing is a process of running a program or application with the intention of identifying any software bugs. It can also be viewed as a means of verifying and validating whether the software program meets the requirements for which it was designed. Software testing also allows a business to appreciate the potential risks involved in the implementation of software. A crowdsourced testing company will […]

9 November 2015

CGI is replacing photography in marketing, but has anyone noticed?

The market for 3D digital images in the UK is growing faster than many people are aware. More designers and manufacturers are now turning to CGI for their marketing instead of traditional photography, according to Richard Benson, creative director at digital imagery studio Pikcells. Image Credit “Most kitchen, bedroom and bathroom companies now use CGI to create their marketing material and no one has realised,” […]

8 November 2015

Body Shaping

Vaser Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure for the removal of unwanted fat. Because it involves the use of ultrasound technology to breakdown the fat cells before they are removed by suction, there is less damage to surrounding tissue than with traditional liposuction procedures, and consequently patients experience a shorter recovery time. Image Credit What is Vaser Liposuction? The body’s cells all naturally vibrate, but […]