11 February 2018

Prevention is better than cure: How to get ahead of an online reputation crisis

The image of a brand is possibly one of its most valuable treasures and its reputation on the net as well. For this reason, it is necessary for the brand to care for and imitate the image that others have of it in social media and on the internet, as we all know the possible repercussions and damages that a reputation crisis can bring. Crises can […]

10 February 2018

The Importance of ‘Content Healing’ for the Community Manager

The Community Manager is, par excellence, the professional profile within the world that more tasks must be done within a company, such as writing content and viralize them, as well as being aware of the mails and messages that come from the audience and answer them, or what is the same, must perform the work of customer service. But, in all that you have to […]

2 February 2018

Twitter: From conversation to Tweets programming

If something is characterized by the work related to Social Media, whatever it may be but especially that of Community Manager, it is because of the interdisciplinarity and the need to carry out in a same period of time, that is, a day, a large amount of tasks. We often find that before the variety of tasks and the impossibility of relegating any of them, […]

1 February 2018

What are the Online Marketing Channels?

The concept of Online Marketing is the same as Marketing in any other channel. What happens with the Internet is that it is a channel with very specific characteristics, both functional and technical in a constant and rapid evolution. Online marketing is the integration of simultaneous strategies on the web, through a specific process and methodology, in search of clear objectives using various tools, platforms and […]

26 January 2018

Is the Church the best Social Media Marketing company of all time?

The Church, that religious institution has in its possession a trajectory of several centuries of history. Who was going to tell him, when he began timidly his first steps, that his modus operandi, established from its beginnings, would be the example to follow in his daily work for today’s companies, the 21st century, as a result of the introduction of new technologies.

18 January 2018

What do we want to be in Social Networks for?

More often than we would like, we find people who seek to implement online marketing strategies to get more followers or more fans. We also find people whose goal to be in Social Media is simply that, be present in social networks as an argument or excuse to call themselves companies, without knowing very well what that means.

12 January 2018

Essentials: Email Marketing, the power of email as a marketing tool

Every day we open our Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail or any other email client and we find different emails, some from friends or work, but many more advertising (often unwanted). Whether or not it is well focused, that is email marketing and in this article we will talk about how to get started in this new channel to promote your business.