30 December 2017

Digital marketing, a perfectly greased machine

At this point the words Digital Marketing are not unknown to anyone. Everyone, professionals and users, we know the many benefits that this type of marketing can bring to our company, which, on the other hand, perfectly complements offline or traditional marketing.

22 December 2017

Social networks In one or all?

Why this tendency to limit us? Why do not we share? We show ourselves in our fullness and in its proper measure, letting us know and understand that just as the stars use an immense framework to dazzle us, we can act on the stage of thousands of opportunities.

21 December 2017

10 keys to strengthen social profiles in business communication

As we all know, social networks have risen to the throne of communication and have begun to reign. Like us, we can not drive without a car, a driving license and a series of previous practices. Social media needs other factors in order to perform its tasks well. The writing style, the message and the way to sell are key factors. We must not forget that Facebook, Twitter, Google […]

19 December 2017

Six Advantages of a Hosted Phone System

Many areas of business computing have taken advantage of the cloud in recent years. But did you know that you can run your phone system in the cloud too? Image Credit A traditional PABX system gives control of your business telephone system. But they can be expensive to both acquire and maintain, and you have to find somewhere to hide them. Switching to a hosted […]

15 December 2017

The domino effect in social media

Social media is a very dynamic environment, characterized by the constant interaction between individuals and other individuals; individuals with companies and even companies with each other. Due to this high degree of activity, brands are continually exposed to large fluctuations in terms of online reputation. The image of your brand can enjoy an excellent reputation online and in a blink of an eye go to the opposite extreme. It […]

14 December 2017

Web Analytics is essential for any online business

The role of SEO and the relevance of the study of web statistics as engines of the effectiveness of a website center the interview that Ricardo Tayar, one of the top specialists in optimization and web analytics in our country, has given to the marketing agency online Webpositer.

7 December 2017

Email continues to be a powerful marketing channel

Although the use of email or email marketing is one of the most long-lasting strategies or techniques of the digital era, it is also one of the most effective in reporting. According to the CMO Council data, 67% of companies around the world consider it that way, the most successful digital tactic so far. But that’s not all because the study conducted in June by the […]

6 December 2017

The professional 2.0 is born and every day is remade

The ideal result for a user will not always be the one that holds the leadership of the niche, but the one that combines quality and proximity Linked to the digital company since 1999, the MarCom Manager of Webpositer Alexis López offers us this week his “technical” and “expert” vision of the 2.0 business through an interview where he demonstrates to have an extensive and […]

1 December 2017

What to learn from offline to succeed in social networks

Many of the problems that companies are finding when they start Social Networks, comes from the same drag problems from offline. One of the main problems is that internally they have not structured a fundamental area when carrying out actions of Digital Marketing, Communication, and they forget that Social Networks constitute powerful channels of communication and that they have to be treated as such.