6 October 2017

Mobile, a wonderful invention turned into an advertising battlefield

It is true that mobility has become one of the highlights of the new consumer. After the emergence and evolution of smartphones and tablets, this type of devices now widespread and with great penetration, has caused the marketing industry to adapt almost obligatorily and forced to adapt to this new medium and use it as a channel promotion.

5 October 2017

Searches for restaurants on smartphones often end up seating customers

A study by the Telmetrics company has concluded that consumers on their smartphones are looking for restaurant information, usually come to them almost after receiving the results. The data show that in consumer products and in the service industry, the result of an adequate presence in the network can be an increase in sales in stores and premises.

5 October 2017

How to Edit Social Media Videos with Movavi Video Editor

Social media has become a popular platform to publish videos, and the right videos could help you to build your following by leaps and bounds. Of course viewers on social media tend to have high expectations from the videos they watch, which is why it is important that yours look good or they might not be able to attract attention and engage a wide enough […]

1 October 2017

Reputation crisis management for beginners

The crises in social networks are publications of massive scope, that is replicated by several users in diverse platforms and whose content directly affects the image and the reputation of the mark or the product commercialized. It can happen to any person, and especially to any company with a presence on social networks. Someone writes a derogatory message that can read thousands of people, the rumor spreads […]

30 September 2017

How to choose a UPS system installer

Many elements in our homes and businesses require power to function, from machinery and equipment to entertainment systems, computers, transportation and security systems. When this power fails, it can affect homes and businesses in many ways. At best, it can be mildly annoying and disruptive, but at worst, it can have catastrophic consequences and may result in loss of productivity, income and even life. Image […]

27 September 2017

What are the benefits of using a property management company?

If you are a buy-to-let investor, a landlord with a portfolio of properties, or you have a property you wish to let far from where you live, you may want to consider employing the services of a property management company. Image Credit What is a property management company? A property management company will look after the administration and duties of residential, commercial or industrial real […]

24 September 2017

How to Start Playing Tennis

Tennis is a good way to make new friends, be healthy and have fun. Here is a way you can start with it. Purchase a decent tennis racket and high-quality tennis shoes at your local sports or footwear store. If you find a professional tennis shop tell them you are just starting out – they can help you get everything you need. Read and learn […]

24 September 2017


What kind of tennis racket should I buy? This is a question that many tennis fans are asking about and that, in many cases, can be a real headache due to the wide offer of tennis rackets on the market. However, this is a decision of great importance and not only because an inadequate tennis racket can adversely affect the game, but also because it […]

22 September 2017

Parking Technology: A Brief History

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a car at its destination must be in want of a parking space. Parking a car used to be a matter of judging where the vehicle was based on skill and experience. Alternatively, it was a matter of hoping for the best and listening for an expensive crunch. Image Credit Fortunately, as in many other areas of life, […]