23 February 2017

How to negotiate on your relocation financial assistance

Progression up the career ladder may mean moving to another location at some point to take up a new position. Moving is not cheap, and most people will want their employers to stump up for at least part of the costs. Like many things, there is always room to negotiate, so it is in your best interests to negotiate the best package possible. Image Credit […]

20 February 2017

Memory loss: 7 tips to improve memory in the home

Are you concerned about memory loss? This is really a problem, but there are simple methods to improve memory – including the expense of physical activity in your daily life – its intensity can actually help improve your memory. Memory problems are not always a sign of impending dementia Can you not find your car keys? Forget everything you need to buy in the store? […]

17 February 2017

Social networks can help sell

Social networks can serve to sell, as demonstrated by the work done by Social Centered Selling, under the leadership of Jim Keenan, where 3 out of 4 sellers who used social networks in their business strategy achieved better results in 2012 Than those who did not use them. This is a tremendously positive fact, which surprised even the researchers themselves. For this study, we had the […]

16 February 2017

Is Content Marketing the future of SEO or just a hype?

Today, in the SEO industry, there is more and more talk about “Content Marketing.” For this reason, the specialist in Content Marketing, RankSider, has consulted with different German professionals and experts, who have offered their opinion on what That Content Marketing means to them, how to evaluate its importance and whether it is the future of SEO or just a hype. Here are the answers of […]

16 February 2017

Where man meets machine

Industrial terminology can be tricky if you’re not used to it. When it comes to electrical components, the abbreviations HMI and PLC are often seen. But what on earth is HMI? HMI stands for Human Machine Interface, which sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie but put simply, it’s the means by which a user interacts with and controls a machine. The HMI is […]

13 February 2017

What does your customer really want?

Running an accommodation business can be tricky and what customers desire will greatly depend on whether you’re offering a luxury, economy or budget establishment. Any customer will value price, reputation, location and room quality when choosing a place to stay but offer no guarantee of winning repeat business. To achieve long term success, a business must identify which group of visitors it wants to attract […]

10 February 2017

81% of users have stopped following a brand on Facebook

When approaching their client in social networks, the brands initially bet on offering a close relationship, from you to you, seeking to establish a personal relationship, which would enable them to empathize with their audience and earn their trust. Awareness indicates that one of the main goals in Social Media for 78% of companies was to foster customer relationships. In this way, a communication was established […]

9 February 2017

70% of mobile restaurant campaigns already use localization systems

Mobile advertising campaigns for fast food restaurants and “casual dining” chains are all designed to physically bring the restaurant to the consumer that is in the vicinity of the place. This makes the location component fundamental and a new study shows that 70% of the campaigns in this type of restaurants include some type of target customer selection by location.

3 February 2017

Increasingly intrusive ads seize digital advertising

To give background and context to the background of this article and to be able to situate ourselves, it is interesting to know in a summarized way, some of the figures of advertising investment in the online medium offered by different sources and entities. Recalling the data from the latest IAB and PwC report, we discovered how the volume of investment in the last quarter […]

2 February 2017

More than 50% of e-mail opening already on mobile devices

Despite what many believed e-mail does not diminish their number or presence. A new study by Experian Marketing Services shows that the opening of mail continues with its increasing trend (11.6% increase) in the first quarter of 2013. But something has changed: most of the emails are now open in The mobile devices. This trend confirms the need for brands to optimize email messages for multiple […]