27 September 2016

The vital importance of online reputation is a great asset for businesses

Reputation is always one of the most important assets a company has, and now, online reputation is even more important for all of them because the vast majority of users before making decisions on purchases, conduct an investigation or Internet search to see what other consumers recommend products that offer greater guarantees and services that companies are more reliable and provide better service to its […]

22 September 2016

Not everyone goes for Digital Marketing

It is already known that the Internet is the present and the future.Institutions, media professionals themselves, etc, feed the illusion that “salvation” of the problems of a company is in the Digital Marketing and enough courses “Express” or some information to work there. First of all, the Online Marketing is not a panacea for the problems of a company. It is just an extension of traditional […]

21 September 2016

Why really you want your business to be present on social networks?

No news is no longer talking about the virtues and benefits of social networks. The passage of time has allowed us to know them, seize them and use them to complete and achieve achieve all kinds of objectives.Clearly, many brands and many companies have found in them a new territory to address and make his audiences to reach and connect with their own consumers. However, social […]

21 September 2016

Digital marketing for the fledgling business

When you’re starting out in business there are plenty of demands made on your budget. From letterheads to IT equipment, the expenditure never seems to end, leading many new startups to attempt to cut some financial corners. Image Credit Plan your finances The UK government is particularly keen to offer help and advice to anyone setting up in business, offering a useful resource to guide […]

15 September 2016

Those over 50, the forgotten by brands

There is a niche market as or more important than the Millennials, and untapped. This is Baby Boomers, who, entering middle age, feel the vitality of youth, and have greater purchasing power than later generations. Instead, they feel excluded from brands and therefore totally misunderstood. As recorded by the study by Research Now, only 11% of these consumers believe that brands are interested in them. However, 20% feel […]

14 September 2016

Is it really so powerful word of mouth among online consumers?

Word of mouth and the power of the recommendations is still in force among consumers. When making a purchase decision, advice and previous experience of our fellow human beings remains one of our referral sources.According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe that word of mouth and recommendations brands are most influence when choosing purchase. Although in today’s culture, the marketing of mouth to more traditional palate […]

9 September 2016

The 7 most common marketing mistakes active listening

The marketing of active listening takes increasing importance to improve the effectiveness and profitability of enterprises through continuous review of its consumers. But do we clear how to apply to translate into profit? The Box Populi, online marketing agency, explains the most common mistakes that often make and how to fix them. I do not have a definite plan: If you do not have an action plan and […]

9 September 2016

Websites and Tattoos –Why You Should Use a Professional for Both

What do websites and tattoos have in common? More than you might think at first glance! When someone searches for information about your brand, there is a high chance that the first thing they will see is your website. When someone meets you for the first time in real life, if you have a tattoo they will form a strong impression of you from what […]

8 September 2016

Basic and essential key to any strategy of Social Media

No one escapes the fact that the management of the online presence of a company or brand must be based on a strategy of Social Media. However, when designing the strategic plan, it should take into account many different aspects. Aspects that would come to compose the basic and essential key to any strategy of Social Media. Any strategy must be raised according to some […]

3 September 2016

ROI: In Search of Lost Treasure of Social Media Marketing

Search ROI of social actions has become a major challenge for many brands.As well as according to legend they were the treasures sought the most legendary pirates sailing the seas. To achieve this, the coveted sailors, familiar with all kinds of currents and enclaves, made use of all kinds of information, guides and maps that always arrive promptly to their most remote destinations and enclaves. […]